
Our products are currently available in two different formats; a VHDL core or an EDIF core. An EDIF core is an ASCII file that is associated with an ISE or Vivado schematic symbol or VHDL component. The symbol or VHDL component is placed in your schematic or VHDL file, allowing you to use the core in your FPGA designs. VHDL core files are generated from the schematic source. They can be used in Xilinx ISE and Vivado or customised for your ASIC. Actel, Altera and Lattice FPGA VHDL cores are also available on request.

We have three different licensing schemes. All our cores are available under the SignOnce licensing scheme, either as a Site or Project license. For ASICs, a separate license is available for use of the VHDL core in your ASIC design. The SignOnce and ASIC licenses allow an unlimited number of instantiations of the core.

For a quote on any of our cores please send an email to

Turbo Decoders
PCD03D DVB-RCS and IEEE 802.16 WiMAX 8 state duobinary turbo decoder with optional 64 state Viterbi decoder.
PCD03L8 3GPP LTE high speed 8 state turbo decoder with 1, 2, 4 or 8 parallel MAP decoders.
PCD03T TETRA-TEDS 8 state turbo decoder with optional 16 state Viterbi decoder.
PCD03V 3GPP (UMTS/LTE) and 3GPP2 (cdma 2000) 8 state turbo decoder with optional 16, 32, 64 or 256 state Viterbi decoder.
PCD03VH 3GPP LTE and 3GPP2 1xEV-DO 8 state turbo decoder with ping-pong input and output memories.
PCD03W4 IEEE 802.16 WiMAX high speed 8 state duobinary turbo decoder with 4 parallel MAP decoders.
PCD04C CCSDS 16 state turbo decoder with optional 64 or 256 state Viterbi decoder.
PCD04CH CCSDS turbo decoder with optional synchronisation, descrambler and input memory.
PCD04D4 DVB-RCS2 high speed 16 state duobinary turbo decoder with 4 parallel MAP decoders.
PCD04I Inmarsat 16 state turbo decoder with optional 64 or 256 state Viterbi decoder.

Turbo Encoders
PCE03D DVB-RCS and IEEE 802.16 WiMAX 8 state turbo encoder.
PCE03L 3GPP LTE 8 state turbo encoder.
PCE03V 3GPP (UMTS/LTE) and 3GPP2 (cdma 2000 1xEV-DV/1xEV-DO) 8 state turbo encoder.
PCE04C CCSDS 16 state turbo encoder.
PCE04CH CCSDS turbo encoder with sync marker and optional pseudo-randomiser and input memory.
PCE04D DVB-RCS2 16 state turbo encoder.
PCE04I Inmarsat 16 state turbo encoder.

SCCC Encoders

LDPC Decoders
LCD01C CCSDS (8160,7136) LDPC Decoder.
LCD03C CCSDS Rate 1/2 TC and TM LDPC Decoder.
LCD01D DVB-S2/DVB-S2X Demapper/LDPC/BCH Decoder.
LCD01G GMR-1 High Speed LDPC Decoder.

LDPC Encoders
LCE01C CCSDS (8160,7136) LDPC Encoder.
LCE03C CCSDS Rate 1/2 TC and TM LDPC Encoder.

Viterbi and Trellis Decoders
VA04D 16 state DVB-S2/DVB-S2X Tail Biting Viterbi decoder.
VA06C 4x8PSK 64 state CCSDS/ECSS Viterbi decoder.
VA08S 64 or 256 state block Viterbi decoder.
VA08V 16, 32, 64, or 256 state Viterbi decoder.
VA08VA Multi Function Viterbi decoder.
VA08VB 16-ACS Multi Function Viterbi decoder.
VA10V 1024 state 3GPP2 Viterbi decoder.

MAP Decoders
MAP03T Very high speed 8 state MAP decoder.
MAP04B 16 state MAP decoder.
MAP04T Very high speed 16 state MAP decoder.

Microcontroller Boards
TINSAT Cansat system with sensors, controller and transmitter
TUFC Timing Unit and Firing Circuit

Last update 11 Oct. 2024. Home