The dates listed are those for GMT. If anyone can provide corrections please let me know. Steven S. Pietrobon UNITED STATES COMMERCIAL ELV LAUNCH RECORD (1986 to 1991) Date Launch Vehicle Payload -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 3 May 86 Delta 178 (3914) GOES G 17 Sep 86 Atlas 52E NOAA 10 (G)/SARSAT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 Feb 87 Delta 179 (3924) GOES 7 (GOES H) 20 Mar 87 Delta 182 (3920) PALAPA 5 (B2-P) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 Mar 88 Scout S206C San Marco 5 (Upper atmosphere studies) 24 Sep 88 Atlas 63E NOAA 11 (H) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 Aug 89 Delta 187 (4925) Marcopolo 1 (BSB R1, Sirius 1) 18 Nov 89 Delta 189 (5920) COBE (Cosmic Background Explorer) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Jan 90 Titan III JCSAT 2, SKYNET 4A *14 Mar 90 Titan III INTELSAT VI-F3 13 Apr 90 Delta 194 (6925) PALAPA 6 (B2-R) 1 Jun 90 Delta 195 (6920) ROSAT (Roentgen Satellite) 12 Jun 90 Delta 196 (4925) INSAT 1D 23 Jun 90 Titan III INTELSAT VI-F4 17 Aug 90 Delta 198 (4925) Marcopolo 2 (BSB R2, Thor 1) 26 Oct 90 Delta 200 (6925) INMARSAT II-F1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 Jan 91 Delta 202 (6925) NATO IVA (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) 8 Mar 91 Delta 203 (6925) INMARSAT II-F2 13 Apr 91 Delta 204 (7925) ASC-2 (American Satellite Company) *18 Apr 91 Atlas I (AC-70) BS-3H (Japanese Broadcasting Satellite) 14 May 91 Atlas 50E NOAA 12 (D) 29 May 91 Delta 205 (7925) AURORA II (Alaskan Communication Satellite) 7 Dec 91 Atlas II (AC-102) EUTELSAT II-F3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Launch Vehicle Failure BSB British Satellite Broadcasting EUTELSAT European Telecommunication Satellite GOES Geostationary Operational Enviromental Satellite INMARSAT International Maritime Satellite INSAT Indian Communication and Meteorological Satellite INTELSAT International Telecommunication Satellite JCSAT Japanese Communications Satellite NOAA National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration PALAPA Indonesian Geosynchronous Communications Satellite SARSAT Satellite Aided Search and Rescue System SKYNET United Kingdom Military Communications Satellite UNITED STATES COMMERCIAL ELV LAUNCH RECORD (1992-1995) Date Launch Vehicle Payload -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 Mar 92 Atlas I (AC-72) GALAXY V 14 May 92 Delta 209 (7925) PALAPA 7 (B-4) 7 Jun 92 Delta 210 (6920) EUVE (Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer) 10 Jun 92 Atlas IIA (AC-105) INTELSAT K (NSS K) 3 Jul 92 Scout S215C SAMPEX (SMEX 01) 24 Jul 92 Delta 212 (6925) GEOTAIL, DUVE (Diffuse Ultraviolet Experiment) *22 Aug 92 Atlas I (AC-71) GALAXY 1R F1 31 Aug 92 Delta 213 (7925) GE Satcom C-4 (Aurora II) 25 Sep 92 Titan III MARS OBSERVER 12 Oct 92 Delta 215 (7925) DFS-3 (Deutsche Fernmeldesatelliten System) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 Feb 93 Pegasus M3 SCD 1 (Satellite de Coleta de Dados), OXP 1 8 Aug 93 Atlas 34E NOAA 13 (I) * 5 Oct 93 Titan 23G LANDSAT 6 8 Dec 93 Delta 224 (7925) NATO-IVB (USA-98) 16 Dec 93 Atlas IIAS (AC-108) TELSTAR-401 (AT&T Satellite Communications) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 Feb 94 Delta 225 (7925) GALAXY 1R F2 13 Apr 94 Atlas I (AC-73) GOES 8 (GOES I) 3 Aug 94 Atlas II (AC-107) DirecTV 2 (DBS-2, Direct Broadcasting Satellite) 6 Oct 94 Atlas IIAS (AC-111) INTELSAT VII F3 (NSS 703) 1 Nov 94 Delta 227 (7925-10) WIND (Solar Wind Input to Magnetosphere) 29 Nov 94 Atlas IIA (AC-110) Orion 1 (Telstar 11) 30 Dec 94 Atlas 11E NOAA 14 (J) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Jan 95 Atlas IIAS (AC-113) INTELSAT VII F4 (704) 22 Mar 95 Atlas IIAS (AC-115) INTELSAT VII F5 (705) 3 Apr 95 Pegasus M8 ORBCOMM FM1/FM2, OrbView 1 (MicroLab 1) 7 Apr 95 Atlas IIA (AC-114) AMSC-1 (American Mobile Satellite Corporation) 23 May 95 Atlas I (AC-77) GOES 9 (GOES J) 5 Aug 95 Delta 228 (7925) Koreasat 1 (Mugunghwa 1, EuropeStar B) *15 Aug 95 Athena I (DLV) GEMStar 29 Aug 95 Atlas IIAS (AC-117) JCSAT 3 *23 Oct 95 Conestoga 1620 METEOR 1 4 Nov 95 Delta 229 (7920-10) RADARSAT-1 (Radar Satellite), SURFSAT-1 2 Dec 95 Atlas IIAS (AC-121) SOHO (Solar Heliospheric Observatory) 15 Dec 95 Atlas IIA (AC-120) Galaxy IIIR 30 Dec 95 Delta 230 (7920-10) XTE (X-Ray Timing Explorer) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Launch Vehicle Failure GALAXY Hughes communications satellite GEOTAIL NASA-Japan mission to explore Earth's Geotail GOES Geostationary Operational Enviromental Satellite INTELSAT International Telecommunication Satellite NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation PALAPA Indonesian Geosynchronous Communications Satellite SAMPEX Solar, Anomalous, and Magnetospheric Particle Explorer NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Organisation OXP Orbcomm Capabilities Demonstration Satellite SURFSAT Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Satellite SMEX Small Explorer UNITED STATES COMMERCIAL ELV LAUNCH RECORD (1996-1997) Date Launch Vehicle Payload -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 Jan 96 Delta 231 (7925) Koreasat 2 (Mugunghwa 2) 1 Feb 96 Atlas IIAS (AC-126) Palapa C-1 (HGS 3, Anatolia 1, Paksat 1) 17 Feb 96 Delta 232 (7925-8) NEAR (Discovery 02) 24 Feb 96 Delta 233 (7925) POLAR (Polar Auroral Plasma Physics) 3 Apr 96 Atlas IIA (AC-122) INMARSAT III F1 30 Apr 96 Atlas I (AC-78) SAX (Satellite Astronomia a Raggi-X) 24 May 96 Delta 236 (7925) Galaxy 9 2 Jul 96 Pegasus XL M12 TOMS-EP 21 Aug 96 Pegasus XL M13 FAST (SMEX 02) 8 Sep 96 Atlas IIA (AC-123) GE 1 * 4 Nov 96 Pegasus XL M14 SAC-B, HETE (High Energy Transient Experiment) 7 Nov 96 Delta 239 (7925A) MGS (Mars Global Surveyor) 21 Nov 96 Atlas IIA (AC-124) Hot Bird 2 (Eurobird 9, Eutelsat W48) 4 Dec 96 Delta 240 (7925A) Mars Pathfinder (Discovery 01) 17 Dec 96 Atlas IIA (AC-129) INMARSAT III F3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 Feb 97 Atlas IIAS (AC-127) JCSat 4 8 Mar 97 Atlas IIA (AC-128) DirecTV 6 (Tempo 2) 21 Apr 97 Pegasus XL M15 Minisat-01, Celestis 01 Founders 25 Apr 97 Atlas I (AC-79) GOES 10 (GOES K) 5 May 97 Delta 242 (7920-10C) Iridium MS-1A (SV004/005/006/007/008) 20 May 97 Delta 243 (7925) Thor 2A 9 Jul 97 Delta 244 (7920-10C) Iridium MS-2 (SV015/017/018/020/021) 28 Jul 97 Atlas IIAS (AC-133) Superbird C 1 Aug 97 Pegasus XL M16 OrbView 2 (SeaStar/SeaWiFS) 21 Aug 97 Delta 246 (7920-10C) Iridium MS-3 (SV022/023/024/025/026) 23 Aug 97 Athena I (LM-002) Lewis 25 Aug 97 Delta 247 (7920-8) ACE (Explorer 71) 4 Sep 97 Atlas IIAS (AC-146) GE 3 (AMC 3, Eagle 1, Pathfinder 1) 27 Sep 97 Delta 248 (7920-10C) Iridium MS-4 (SV019/034/035/036/037) 5 Oct 97 Atlas IIAS (AC-135) EchoStar 3 15 Oct 97 Titan 4B-33/TC-21 Cassini/Huygens 9 Nov 97 Delta 250 (7920-10C) Iridium MS-5 (SV038/039/040/041/043) 8 Dec 97 Atlas IIAS (AC-149) Galaxy 8i 20 Dec 97 Delta 251 (7920-10C) Iridium MS-6 (SV045/046/047/048/049) 23 Dec 97 Pegasus XL/HAPS M19 Orbcomm 1 (FM5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Launch Vehicle Failure ACE Advanced Composition Explorer FAST Fast Auroral Snapshot Explorer GOES Geostationary Operational Enviromental Satellite HAPS Hydrazine Auxiliary Propulsion Subsystem NEAR Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous SAC Satelite de Aplicaciones Cientificas TOMS-EP Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer Earth Probe UNITED STATES COMMERCIAL ELV LAUNCH RECORD (1998-1999) Date Launch Vehicle Payload -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Jan 98 Athena II (LM-004) Lunar Prospector (Discovery 03), Celestis 02 (Luna 01) 10 Jan 98 Delta 252 (7925) Skynet 4D 14 Feb 98 Delta 253 (7420-10C) Globalstar 1 (FM1/FM2/FM3/FM4) 18 Feb 98 Delta 254 (7920-10C) Iridium MS-7 (SV050/052/053/054/056) 26 Feb 98 Pegasus XL M20 SNOE (STEDI-01), Teledesic T1 (BATSAT) 28 Feb 98 Atlas IIAS (AC-151) Intelsat 806 (NSS 806) 30 Mar 98 Delta 255 (7920-10C) Iridium MS-8 (SV055/057/058/059/060) 2 Apr 98 Pegasus XL M21 TRACE (SMEX 04) 24 Apr 98 Delta 256 (7420-10C) Globalstar 2 (FM6/FM8/FM14/FM15) 13 May 98 Titan 23G-12 NOAA 15(K) 17 May 98 Delta 257 (7920-10C) Iridium MS-9 (SV070/072/073/074/075) 10 Jun 98 Delta 258 (7925-9.5) Thor 3 18 Jun 98 Atlas IIAS (AC-153) Intelsat 805 2 Aug 98 Pegasus XL M22 Orbcomm 2 (FM13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20) *24 Aug 98 Delta 260 (8930) Galaxy 10 8 Sep 98 Delta 259 (7920-10C) Iridium MS-10 (SV077/079/080/081/082) 23 Sep 98 Pegasus XL M23 Orbcomm 3 (FM21/22/23/24/25/26/27/28) 9 Oct 98 Atlas IIA (AC-134) EuroBird 2 (Hot Bird 5) 23 Oct 98 Pegasus M24 SCD 2 (Satellite de Coleta de Dados) 24 Oct 98 Delta 261 (7326-9.5) Deep Space 1 (SPACETECH-01), SEDSAT-1 6 Nov 98 Delta 262 (7920-10C) Iridium MS-11 (SV083/084/085/086/087) 22 Nov 98 Delta 263 (7925) Bonum 1 6 Dec 98 Pegasus XL M25 SWAS (SMEX 03) 11 Dec 98 Delta 264 (7425) Mars Climate Orbiter -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Jan 99 Delta 265 (7425) Mars Polar Lander, Deep Space 2 (SPACETECH-02) 27 Jan 99 Athena I (LM-006) ROCSAT 1 (Chunghua 1, Formosat 1) 7 Feb 99 Delta 266 (7426) Stardust (Discovery 04) 16 Feb 99 Atlas IIAS (AC-152) JCSat 6 5 Mar 99 Pegasus XL M26 WIRE (SMEX 05) 28 Mar 99 Zenit 3SL F1 DemoSat 12 Apr 99 Atlas IIAS (AC-154) Eutelsat W3 (21A) 15 Apr 99 Delta 268 (7920-10) LANDSAT 7 *27 Apr 99 Athena II (LM-005) Ikonos 1 (Space Imaging) * 5 May 99 Delta 269 (8930) Orion 3 18 May 99 Pegasus XL/HAPS M27 TERRIERS (STEDI-02), MUBLCOM 10 Jun 99 Delta 270 (7420-10) Globalstar 3 (FM25/47/49/52) 20 Jun 99 Titan 23G-7 QuikSCAT (Quick Scatterometer) 24 Jun 99 Delta 271 (7320-10) FUSE (Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopy Explorer) 10 Jul 99 Delta 272 (7420-10) Globalstar 4 (MO30/32/35/51) 25 Jul 99 Delta 273 (7420-10) Globalstar 5 (MO26/28/43/48) 17 Aug 99 Delta 274 (7420-10) Globalstar 6 (MO24/27/53/54) 23 Sep 99 Atlas IIAS (AC-155) Ciel 1 (MCI 1, Sky 1A, Echostar 5) 24 Sep 99 Athena II (LM-007) Ikonos 2 (Space Imaging) 10 Oct 99 Zenit 3SL F2 DirecTV 1R 4 Dec 99 Pegasus XL/HAPS M28 Orbcomm 4 (FM30/31/32/33/34/35/36) 18 Dec 99 Atlas IIAS (AC-141) Terra (EOS AM) 21 Dec 99 Taurus 2110 T4 KOMPSAT (Arrirang I), ACRIMSAT, Celestis 04 Millennial -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Launch Vehicle Failure ACRIMSAT Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor Satellite BATSAT Broadband Advanced Technology Satellite EOS AM Earth Observing System Morning KOMPSAT Korean Multipurpose Satellite MUBLCOM Multiple Beam Beyond Line-of-sight Communications (OSC) NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Organisation ROCSAT Republic of China Satellite SEDSAT Students for the Exploration and Development of Space Satellite SMEX Small Explorer SNOE Student Nitric Oxide Explorer STEDI Student Explorer Demonstration Initiative SWAS Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite TERRIERS Tomographic Experiment using Radiative Recombinative Inospheric EUV Radio Sources TRACE Transition Region and Coronal Explorer WIRE Wide Field Infrared Explorer UNITED STATES COMMERCIAL ELV LAUNCH RECORD (2000-2002) Date Launch Vehicle Payload -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Feb 00 Atlas IIAS (AC-158) Hispasat 1C (Hispasat 84W-1) 8 Feb 00 Delta 276 (7420) Globalstar 7 (MO60/62/63/64) *12 Mar 00 Zenit 3SL F3 ICO 1 (Z1) 25 Mar 00 Delta 277 (7326) IMAGE (MIDEX 01) 3 May 00 Atlas IIA (AC-137) GOES 11 (GOES L) 24 May 00 Atlas IIIA (AC-201) Eutelsat W4 30 Jun 00 Atlas IIA (AC-139) TDRS 8 (TDRS H) 14 Jul 00 Atlas IIAS (AC-161) Bermudasat 1 (MCI 2, Sky 1B, EchoStar 6) 28 Jul 00 Zenit 3SL F4 PAS 9 23 Aug 00 Delta 280 (8930) DM-F3 21 Sep 00 Titan 23G-13 NOAA 16 (L) 9 Oct 00 Pegasus Hybrid M30 HETE-2 21 Oct 00 Zenit 3SL F5 Thuraya 1 21 Nov 00 Delta 282 (7320-10C) Earth Observer 1 (SPACETECH-03, SPACETECH-06 Sciencecraft), SAC-C, Munin -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 Mar 01 Zenit 3SL F6 XM Rock (XM-2) 7 Apr 01 Delta 284 (7925) Mars Odyssey 8 May 01 Zenit 3SL F7 XM Roll (XM-1) 19 Jun 01 Atlas IIAS (AC-156) ICO 2 (A1) 30 Jun 01 Delta 286 (7425-10C) MAP (WMAP, MIDEX 02) 23 Jul 01 Atlas IIA (AC-142) GOES 12 (GOES M) 8 Aug 01 Delta 287 (7326) Genesis (Discovery 05) *21 Sep 01 Taurus 2110 T6 OrbView 4, QuikTOMS, SBD, Celestis 05 Odyssey 18 Oct 01 Delta 288 (7320-10C) QuickBird 2 7 Dec 01 Delta 289 (7920-10C) TIMED (STP 01), Jason-01 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Feb 02 Pegasus XL M31 HESSI (SMEX 06) 11 Feb 02 Delta 290 (7920-10C) IS-1 (Iridium MS-12, SV090/091/094/095/096) 21 Feb 02 Atlas IIIB (AC-204) EchoStar 7 8 Mar 02 Atlas IIA (AC-143) TDRS 9 (TDRS I) 4 May 02 Delta 291 (7920-10L) Aqua (EOS PM) 15 Jun 02 Zenit 3SL F8 Galaxy 3C 24 Jun 02 Titan 23G-14 NOAA 17 (M) 3 Jul 02 Delta 292 (7425-9.5) CONTOUR (Comet Nucleus Tour, Discovery 06) 21 Aug 02 Atlas V401 (AV-001) Hot Bird 6 (Hot Bird 13A, Eutelsat 8 West C) 18 Sep 02 Atlas IIAS (AC-159) Hispasat 1D (Hispasat 30W-4, Hispasat 143W-1, Hispasat 136W-1) 20 Nov 02 Delta 293 4M+(4,2) Eutelsat W5 (W1, 70A, 25C, 33B) 5 Dec 02 Atlas IIA (AC-144) TDRS 10 (TDRS J) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Launch Vehicle Failure EOS PM Earth Observing System Afternoon GOES Geostationary Operational Enviromental Satellite HESSI High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager HETE High Energy Transient Experiment IMAGE Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration MAP Microwave Anisotropy Probe MIDEX Mid-Sized Explorer NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Organisation QuikTOMS Quick Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer SAC Satelite de Aplicaciones Cientificas SBD Special Bus Design STP Solar Terrestrial Probe SMEX Small Explorer TDRS Tracking and Data Relay Satellite TIMED Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Mesophere Energetics and Dynamics WMAP Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe UNITED STATES COMMERCIAL ELV LAUNCH RECORD (2003-2005) Date Launch Vehicle Payload -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 Jan 03 Delta 294 (7320-10C) ICESAT (EOS LAS), CHIPS (UNEX-01) 25 Jan 03 Pegasus XL M32 SORCE (EOS) 12 Apr 03 Atlas IIIB (AC-205) AsiaSat 4 (AsiaSat 1R, Paksat MM1) 28 Apr 03 Pegasus XL M33 GALEX (SMEX 07) 13 May 03 Atlas V401 (AV-002) HellasSat 2 (Intelsat KTV, NSS KTV, NSS 6, Intelsat APR-3, Sinosat 1B) 10 Jun 03 Zenit 3SL F9 Thuraya 2 10 Jun 03 Delta 298 (7925) Spirit (Mars Exploration Rover A) 26 Jun 03 Pegasus XL M34 OrbView 3 8 Jul 03 Delta 299 (7925H) Opportunity (Mars Exploration Rover B) 17 Jul 03 Atlas V521 (AV-003) Rainbow 1 (Cablevision 1, EchoStar 12) 8 Aug 03 Zenit 3SL F10 Echostar 9 (Telstar 13) 13 Aug 03 Pegasus XL M35 SCISAT-1 (Canadian Scientific Satellite) 25 Aug 03 Delta 300 (7920H) Spitzer Space Telescope (SIRTF) 1 Oct 03 Zenit 3SL F11 Horizons 1 (Galaxy 13) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 Jan 04 Zenit 3SL-19 F12 Estrela do Sul 1 (Telstar 14) 5 Feb 04 Atlas IIAS (AC-165) AMC 10 (GE 10) 13 Mar 04 Atlas IIIA (AC-202) MBSat 1 16 Apr 04 Atlas IIAS (AC-163) Superbird A2 (6) 20 Apr 04 Delta II (7920-10C) GP-B (Gravity Probe B) 4 May 04 Zenit 3SL-21 F13 DirecTV 7S 19 May 04 Atlas IIAS (AC-166) AMC 11 (GE 11) 20 May 04 Taurus XL 3210 T7 ROCSAT 2 (Formosat 2) 29 Jun 04 Zenit 3SL-20 F14 Apstar 5 (Apstar 1R, Telstar 18) 15 Jul 04 Delta II (7920-10L) Aura (EOS CHEM) 3 Aug 04 Delta II (7925-H10L) MESSENGER (Discovery 08) 20 Nov 04 Delta II (7320-10C) Swift Gamma Ray Burst Explorer (MIDEX 03, Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory) 17 Dec 04 Atlas V521 (AV-005) AMC 16 (GE 16) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 Jan 05 Delta II (7925) EPOXI (Deep Impact, Discovery 07) 1 Mar 05 Zenit 3SL F15 XM-3 11 Mar 05 Atlas V431 (AV-004) Inmarsat-4 F1 (I-4 F1, 4A) 15 Apr 05 Pegasus XL M36 DART 26 Apr 05 Zenit 3SL F16 SpaceWay 1 20 May 05 Delta II (7320-10) NOAA 18 (NOAA N) 23 Jun 05 Zenit 3SL F17 Intelsat Americas 8 (Loralsat 102, Telstar 8, IA8) 12 Aug 05 Atlas V401 (AV-007) Mars Reconnaisance Orbiter 7 Nov 05 ISS FPP (Floating Potential Probe) 8 Nov 05 Zenit 3SL F18 Inmarsat-4 F2 (I-4 F2, 4B) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIPS Cosmic Hot Interstellar Plasma Spectrometer DART Demonstration of Autonomous Rendezvous Technology EOS Earth Observing System EPOXI Extrasolar Planet Observation and Characterization (EPOCH) and Deep Impact Extended Investigation (DIXI) GALEX Galaxy Evolution Explorer ICESAT Ice, Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite LAS Laser Altimetry Mission MIDEX Mid-Sized Explorer MESSENGER Mercury Surface, Space Environment, Geochemistry and Ranging ROCSAT Republic of China Satellite SIRTF Space Infrared Telescope Facility SMEX Small Explorer SORCE Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment UNEX University Explorer UNITED STATES COMMERCIAL ELV LAUNCH RECORD (2006-2008) Date Launch Vehicle Payload -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 Jan 06 Atlas V 551 (AV-010) Pluto New Horizons (New Frontiers 1) 15 Feb 06 Zenit 3SL F19 Echostar 10 22 Mar 06 Pegasus XL M37 SPACETECH-05A, SPACETECH-05B, SPACETECH-05C 12 Apr 06 Zenit 3SL F20 JCSat 9 15 Apr 06 Minotaur 1 F5 Formosat-3 FM1..FM6 (COSMIC 1..6, ROCSAT 3A..3F) 20 Apr 06 Atlas V 411 (AV-008) Astra 1KR 28 Apr 06 Delta II (7420-10) CloudSat (ESSP-03), CALIPSO (ESSP-04) 24 May 06 Delta 4M+(4,2) GOES 13 (GOES N, EWS-G1) 18 Jun 06 Zenit 3SL-29 F21 Galaxy 16 22 Aug 06 Zenit 3SL-25 F22 Koreasat 5 26 Oct 06 Delta II (7925) STEREO-Ahead, STEREO-Behind (STP 03) 30 Oct 06 Zenit 3SL-22 F23 XM-4 (Blues) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *30 Jan 07 Zenit 3SL-16 F24 NSS 8 17 Feb 07 Delta II (7425-10C) THEMIS P1..P5 (MIDEX 05, ARTEMIS P1/P2) 25 Apr 07 Pegasus XL M38 AIM (SMEX 09) 8 Jun 07 Delta II (7420-10C) COSMO-Skymed 1 4 Aug 07 Delta II (7925-9.5) Phoenix (Mars Scout 1) 18 Sep 07 Delta II (7420-10C) Worldview 1 27 Sep 07 Delta II (7925H-9.5) Dawn (Discovery 09) 9 Dec 07 Delta II (7420-10) COSMO-SkyMed 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 Jan 08 Zenit 3SL-36 F25 Thuraya 3 19 Mar 08 Zenit 3SL-32 F26 DirecTV 11 14 Apr 08 Atlas V421 (AV-014) ICO G1 (DBSD G1, EchoStar G1) 21 May 08 Zenit 3SL F27 Galaxy 18 11 Jun 08 Delta II (7920H-10C) Fermi (GLAST) 20 Jun 08 Delta II (7320-10) Jason-2/OSTM (Ocean Surface Topography Mission) 16 Jul 08 Zenit 3SL-34 F28 Echostar 11 6 Sep 08 Delta II (7420-10C) GeoEye 1 (Orbview 5) 24 Sep 08 Zenit 3SL-30 F29 Galaxy 19 (Intelsat Americas 9) 28 Sep 08 Falcon I F4 Ratsat (165 kg aluminium satellite simulator) 19 Oct 08 Pegasus XL M40 Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX, SMEX 10) 25 Oct 08 Delta II (7420-10) COSMO-SkyMed 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARTEMIS Acceleration, Reconnection, Turbulence and Electrodynamics of the Moon’s Interaction with the Sun AIM Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere CALIPSO Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations COSMIC Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate COSMO Constellation of Satellites for Mediterranean Basin Observation ESSP Earth System Science Pathfinder EWS-G Electro Optical Infrared Weather System Geostationary GLAST Gamma Ray Large Area Space Telescope GOES Geostationary Operational Enviromental Satellite MIDEX Mid-Sized Explorer SMEX Small Explorer STEREO Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory STP Solar Terrestrial Probe THEMIS Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms UNITED STATES COMMERCIAL ELV LAUNCH RECORD (2009-2011) Date Launch Vehicle Payload -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Feb 09 Delta II (7320-10C) NOAA 19 (NOAA N') *24 Feb 09 Taurus XL 3110 T8 OCO (ESSP-05) 7 Mar 09 Delta II (7925-10L) Kepler (Discovery 10) 20 Apr 09 Zenit 3SL-42 F30 SICRAL 1B 18 Jun 09 Atlas V401 (AV-020) LRO (Lunar Robotic 1), LCROSS 27 Jun 09 Delta IVM+(4,2) GOES 14 (GOES O) 14 Jul 09 Falcon I F5 RazakSAT (MACSAT, ATSB) 8 Oct 09 Delta II (7920-10C) Worldview 2 23 Nov 09 Atlas V431 (AV-024) Intelsat IS-14 14 Dec 09 Delta 347 (7320-10C) WISE (MIDEX 06, Explorer 92, NEOWISE) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 Feb 10 Atlas V401 (AV-021) SDO (Solar Dynamics Observatory, LWS-01) 4 Mar 10 Delta 348 4M+(4,2) GOES 15 (GOES P, EWS-G2) 4 Jun 10 Falcon 9 v1.0 F1 DSQU (Dragon Spacecraft Qualification Unit) [B0003+] 6 Nov 10 Delta 350 II 7420-10 COSMO-SkyMed 4 8 Dec 10 Falcon 9 v1.0 F2 Dragon C1 (COTS Demo 1, C101), SMDC-ONE 1, QbX 1, QbX 2, Perseus 000/001/002/003, Caerus/Mayflower [B0004+] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 4 Mar 11 Taurus XL 3110 T9 Glory (ex VCL/ESSP-01), ELaNa I (Explorer 1 Prime, Hermes, KySat 1) 10 Jun 11 Delta 354 (7320-10C) SAC-D (Aquarius, ESSP-06) 5 Aug 11 Atlas V551 (AV-029) Juno (New Frontiers 2) 10 Sep 11 Delta 356 (7920H-10C) Ebb, Flow (GRAIL A/B, Discovery 11) 24 Sep 11 Zenit 3SL F31 Atlantic Bird 7 28 Oct 11 Delta 357 (7920-10C) Suomi NPP, ELaNa III (Aubiesat 1, M-Cubed/COVE, E1P-U2 (HRBE), RAX 2, DICE 1, DICE 2) 26 Nov 11 Atlas V541 (AV-028) Curiosity (Mars Science Laboratory) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Launch Vehicle Failure + Booster ocean landing failure COSMO Constellation of Satellites for Mediterranean Basin Observation COTS Commercial Orbital Transportation Services COVE Cubesat On-board Processing Validation Experiment DICE Dynamic Ionosphere CubeSat Experiment E1P-U2 Explorer 1 Prime Unit 2 ELaNa Educational Launch of Nanosatellite ESSP Earth System Science Pathfinder EWS-G Electro Optical Infrared Weather System Geostationary GOES Geostationary Operational Enviromental Satellite GRAIL Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory HRBE William A. Hiscock Radiation Belt Explorer LCROSS Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite LRO Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter LWS Living With a Star MIDEX Mid-Sized Explorer NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Organisation NPP NPOESS Prepatory Project NPOESS National Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellite System OCO Orbiting Carbon Observatory QbX Cubesat Experiments RAX Radio Auroral Explorer SAC Satelite de Aplicaciones Cientificas SICRAL Sistema Italiano per Comunicazioni Riservate ed Allarmi SMDC-ONE Space and Missile Defense Center Operational Nanosatellite Experiment VCL Vegetation Canopy Lidar WISE Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer UNITED STATES COMMERCIAL ELV LAUNCH RECORD (2012-2014) Date Launch Vehicle Payload -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 May 12 Falcon 9 v1.0 F3 SpX D (Dragon C2+, COTS Demo 2, C102), Celestis 11 New Frontier [B0005-] 1 Jun 12 Zenit 3SL-45 F32 Intelsat IS-19 13 Jun 12 Pegasus XL XF035 F41 NuSTAR (SMEX 11, Explorer 93) 19 Aug 12 Zenit 3SL-49 F33 Intelsat IS-21 30 Aug 12 Atlas V401 (AV-032) Van Allen Probes A/B (RBSP, LWS-02) + 8 Oct 12 Falcon 9 v1.0 F4 SpX 1 (Dragon CRS 1, C103), Orbcomm OG2-1 (FM101, H1) [B0006-] 3 Dec 12 Zenit 3SL-50 F34 Eutelsat 70B (W5A) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 Jan 13 Atlas V401 (AV-036) TDRS 11 (TDRS K) * 1 Feb 13 Zenit 3SL-48 F35 Intelsat 27 11 Feb 13 Atlas V401 (AV-035) Landsat 8 (LDCM) 1 Mar 13 Falcon 9 v1.0 F5 SpX 2 (Dragon CRS 2, C104), 2 HRSGF [B0007-] 21 Apr 13 Antares 110 F1 A-ONE (Cygnus Mass Simulator), Dove 1, Phonesat 1.0a/1.0b/2.0a (Alexander, Graham, Bell) 27 Jun 13 Pegasus XL XF036 F42 IRIS (SMEX 12, Explorer 94) 7 Sep 13 Minotaur 5(1) F1 LADEE 18 Sep 13 Antares 110 F2 Orb D1 (SS G. David Low, Cygnus PCM-0) 29 Sep 13 Falcon 9 v1.1 F1 CASSIOPE 1, POPACS 1/2/3, CUSat (CUSat 1, Bottom), CUSat 2 (Top), DANDE [B1003+] 18 Nov 13 Atlas V401 (AV-038) MAVEN (Mars Scout 2) 3 Dec 13 Falcon 9 v1.1 F2 SES 8 [B1004-] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Jan 14 Falcon 9 v1.1 F3 Thaicom 6 (AfriCom 1) [B10??-] 9 Jan 14 Antares 120 F1 Orb 1 (Cygnus CRS 01, SS C. Gordon Fullerton), Flock-1 1..28 (Dove 073D/0740/074B/073C/072C/ 0735/073B/0741/0736/0742/074D/0730/0737/072E/ 0721/0727/074C/0734/073A/0743/072B/0728/0725/ 0723/0722/0744/0729/0720), ArduSat 2, SkyCube 1, UAPSAT, LituanicaSAT 1, LitSat 1 24 Jan 14 Atlas V401 (AV-042) TDRS 12 (TDRS L) 18 Apr 14 Falcon 9 v1.1 F4 SpX 3 (Dragon CRS 3, C105), HDEV, OPALS, ELaNa V (ALL-STAR/THEIA, SporeSat, TSAT (TestSat Lite), KickSat with 104 Sprite sats, PhoneSat 2.5) [B10??o] 26 May 14 Zenit 3SL-37 F36 Eutelsat 3B 2 Jul 14 Delta 367 (7320-10C) OCO-2 (Orbiting Carbon Observatory) 13 Jul 14 Antares 120 F2 Orb 2 (Cygnus CRS 02, SS Janice E. Voss), Flock-1b 1..28 (Dove 0813/080C/080D/0810/0822/ 0901/080F/0811/0819/081C/0815/0824/0825/0821/ 0812/081D/081E/080E/081A/0816/0817/081F/080B/ 0801/0818/0814/0823/0818), TechEdSat 4, MicroMAS, Lambdasat, GEARRS 1 14 Jul 14 Falcon 9 v1.1 F5 Orbcomm OG2 Mission 1 (FM103/FM104/FM106/FM107/ FM109/FM111, K3/K4/K6/K7/K9/L1) [B10??o] 5 Aug 14 Falcon 9 v1.1 F6 AsiaSat 8 (AMOS 7) [B10??-] 13 Aug 14 Atlas V401 (AV-047) WorldView 3 7 Sep 14 Falcon 9 v1.1 F7 AsiaSat 6 (Thaicom 7) [B1011-] 21 Sep 14 Falcon 9 v1.1 F8 SpX 4 (Dragon CRS 4, C106), ISS-RapidScat (QuikSCAT Follow-on, EOS FO-4 option 1), SPINSat [B1010+] *28 Oct 14 Antares 130 F1 Orb 3 (Cygnus CRS 03, SS Deke Slayton), ELaNa VIII (RACE (CHARM)), Arkyd 3, Flock-1d 1..26 (Dove 0B01/0B02/0A07/0A19/0A02/0A20/0A13/0A12/ 0A06/0C01/0A0F/0A1C/0A1D/0A1B/0A08/0A04/0A09/ 0A18/0A0D/0A10/0C00/0A15/0A08/0A17/0A01/0A03), GOMX 2 5 Dec 14 Delta 369 IVH MPCV EFT 1 (Exploration Flight Test, Orion 1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Launch Vehicle Failure + Partial failure/Booster ocean landing failure - Booster expended o Booster ocean landing ALL-STAR/THEIA Agile Low-Cost Laboratory for Space Technology Acceleration and Research/Telescopic High-Definition Earth Imaging Apparatus Antares 110 Castor 30A 2nd Stage Antares 120 Castor 30B 2nd Stage Antares 130 Castor 30XL 2nd Stage CASSIOPE Cascade SmallSat and Ionospheric Polar Explorer CHARM CubeSat Hydrometric Atmospheric Radiometer Mission COTS Commercial Orbital Transportation Services CRS Commercial Resupply Services CUSat Cornell University Satellite DANDE Drag and Atmospheric Neutral Density Explorer ELaNa Educational Launch of Nanosatellite EOS FO Earth Observing System Follow On FM Flight Model GEARRS Globalstar Experiment And Risk Reduction Satellite HDEV High Definition Earth Viewing HRSGF Heat Rejection Subsystem Grapple Fixtures IRIS Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph LADEE Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer LDCM Landsat Data Continuity Mission LWS Living With a Star MicroMAS Micro-sized Microwave Atmospheric Satellite MAVEN Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution MPCV Multi Purpose Crew Vehicle NuSTAR Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array OG2 Orbcomm Generation 2 OPALS Optical Payload for Lasercomm Science PCM Pressurised Cargo Module POPACS Polar Orbiting Passive Atmospheric Calibration Sphere RACE Radiometer Atmospheric CubeSat Experiment RBSP Radiation Belt Storm Probes SES Societe Europeenne des Satellites SMEX Small Explorer SPINSat Special Purpose Inexpensive Satellite SpX Space Exploration Technologies SS Space Ship TDRS Tracking and Data Relay Satellite UAPSAT Universidad Alas Peruanas Satellite UNITED STATES COMMERCIAL ELV LAUNCH RECORD (2015-2016) Date Launch Vehicle Payload -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Jan 15 Falcon 9 v1.1 F9 SpX 5 (Dragon CRS 5, C107), CATS, Flock-1d' 1/2 (Dove 0A16/0C02), AESP-14 [B1012*] 31 Jan 15 Delta 370 (7320-10C) SMAP (Soil Moisture Active-Passive), ELaNa X (GRIFEX, ExoCube CP-10), FIREBIRD-II A/B) 11 Feb 15 Falcon 9 v1.1 F10 DSCOVR (Triana) [B1013o] 2 Mar 15 Falcon 9 v1.1 F11 ABS 3A, Eutelsat 115 West B (Satmex 7) [B1014-] 13 Mar 15 Atlas V421 (AV-053) MMS1 (John), MMS2 (Paul), MMS3 (George), MMS4 (Ringo) (STP 04) 14 Apr 15 Falcon 9 v1.1 F12 SpX 6 (Dragon CRS 6, C108), Arkyd 3R, Flock-1e 1..14 (Dove 0B1A/0B10/0C03/0C06/0B07/0B0B/0B0E/ 0B0D/0B1F/0B09/0B1E/0B0A/0C07/0B0F), Centennial 1 [B1015*] 27 Apr 15 Falcon 9 v1.1 F13 TürkmenÄlem 52E (MonacoSat, TurkmenistanSat, TurkmenSat) [B1016-] *28 Jun 15 Falcon 9 v1.1 F14 SpX 7 (Dragon CRS 7, C109), IDA 1, Flock-1f 1..8 (Dove 0B25/0B31/0B26/0B33/0B28/0B2E/0B2D/ 0B32) [B1018] 2 Oct 15 Atlas V421 (AV-059) Morelos 3 (MEXSAT 2) 6 Dec 15 Atlas V401 (AV-061) OA 4 (Cygnus CRS 04/Orb 4/SS Deke Slayton II, ELaNa IX (CADRE, MinXSS 1, STMSat 1), NODeS 1/2, Flock-2e 1..12 (Dove 0C37/0C78/0C60/0C41/ 0C43/0C75/0C24/0C2B/0C14/0C82/0C13/0C79), LONESTAR Mission 2 (AggieSat 4, Bevo 2), SIMPL, Lemur-2 9..16 (Cubecheese, Drmuzz, Bridgeman, Nate, Beccadewey, Sokolsky, Xiaoqing, Anubhavthakur), SNAPS) 22 Dec 15 Falcon 9 v1.2B1 F1 Orbcomm OG2 Mission 2 (FM102/FM105/FM108/FM110/ FM112/FM113/FM114/FM115/FM116/FM117/FM118) [B1019] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 Jan 16 Falcon 9 v1.1 F15 Jason 3 [B1017*] 4 Mar 16 Falcon 9 v1.2B1 F2 SES 9 [B1020*] 23 Mar 16 Atlas V401 (AV-064) OA 6 (Cygnus CRS 06/Orb 6/SS Rick Husband, Flock-2e' 1..20 (Dove 0D05/0C1B/0D06/0C22/0C59/ 0C46/0C42/0C76/0C19/0C65/0C27/0C81/0C45/0C56/ 0C54/0C0B/0C12/0C38/0C62/0C38), Lemur-2 5..13 (Theresacondor, Kane, Nick-Allain, Jeff, Cubecheese, Drmuzz, Bridgeman, Nate, Beccadewey), Diwata 1) 8 Apr 16 Falcon 9 v1.2B2 F1 SpX 8 (Dragon CRS 8, C110), BEAM [B1021.1] 6 May 16 Falcon 9 v1.2B2 F2 JCSat 14 (JCSat 2B) [B1022] 27 May 16 Falcon 9 v1.2B2 F3 Thaicom 8 [B1023.1] 15 Jun 16 Falcon 9 v1.2B2 F4 ABS 2A (MongolSat 1), Eutelsat 117 West B (Satmex 9, GEO 5) [B1024*] 18 Jul 16 Falcon 9 v1.2B2 F5 SpX 9 (Dragon CRS 9, C111), IDA 2 [B1025.1] 14 Aug 16 Falcon 9 v1.2B2 F6 JCSat 16 [B1026] * 1 Sep 16 Falcon 9 v1.2B3 F1 AMOS 6 (2nd stage exploded during static test) [B1028] 8 Sep 16 Atlas V411 (AV-067) OSIRIS-REx (New Frontiers 3, OSIRIS-APEX) 17 Oct 16 Antares 230 F1 OA 5 (Cygnus CRS 05/Orb 5/SS Alan Poindexter), Lemur-2 14..17 (Sokolsky, Xiaoqing, Anubhavthakur, Wingo) 11 Nov 16 Atlas V401 (AV-062) WorldView 4 (GeoEye 2), ENTERPRISE (Aerocube 8C/8D (IMPACT C/D), CELTEE, Opticube 4 (U2U), Prometheus 2.1/2.3, RAVAN) 19 Nov 16 Atlas V541 (AV-069) GOES 16 (GOES R) 15 Dec 16 Pegasus XL XF037 F43 CYGNSS A/B/C/D/E/F/G/H (Earth Venture 1) 18 Dec 16 Atlas V431 (AV-071) EchoStar XIX (Jupiter 2) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Launch vehicle failure/Booster recovery failure - Booster expended o Booster ocean landing ABS Asia Broadcast Satellite BEAM Bigelow Expandable Activity Module CADRE Cubesat Investigating Atmospheric Density Response to Extreme Driving CATS Cloud Aerosol Transport System CP California Polytechnic CRS Commercial Resupply Services CYGNSS Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System DSCOVR Deep Space Climate Observatory ELaNa Educational Launch of Nanosatellite FIREBIRD Focused Investigations of Relativistic Electron Burst, Intensity, Range and Dynamics FM Flight Model FT Full Thrust GOES Geostationary Operational Enviromental Satellite GRIFEX GEO-CAPE (Geostationary Coastal and Air Pollution Events) ROIC (Readout Integrated Circuit) In-Flight Performance Experiment IDA International Space Station Docking Adapter LONESTAR Low Earth Orbiting Navigation Experiment for Spacecraft Testing Autonomous Rendezvous and Docking MinXSS Miniature X-ray Solar Spectrometer MMS Magnetospheric Multiscale NODeS Network Operations Demonstration Satellites OA Orbital ATK OG2 Orbcomm Generation 2 OSIRIS-REx Origins Spectral Interpretation Resource Identification Security Regolith Explorer RAVAN Radiometer Assessment Using Vertically Aligned Nanotubes SES Societe Europeenne des Satellites SIMPL Satlet Initial Mission Proofs and Lessons SNAPS Stanford Nano Picture Satellite SpX Space Exploration Technologies SS Space Ship STMSat Saint Thomas More Satellite STP Solar Terrestrial Probe U2U Untitled Two Unit UNITED STATES COMMERCIAL ELV LAUNCH RECORD (2017) Date Launch Vehicle Payload -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 Jan 17 Falcon 9 v1.2B3 F2 Iridium 1 (Iridium-NEXT 102/103/104/105/106/108 /109/111/112/114) [B1029.1] 19 Feb 17 Falcon 9 v1.2B3 F3 SpX 10 (Dragon CRS 10, C112), SAGE-III-ISS (SAGE-IP, SAGE-NVP), STP-H5 (LIS) [B1031.1] 16 Mar 17 Falcon 9 v1.2B3 F4 EchoStar XXIII (CMBStar 1, EchoStar XIII) [B1030-] 30 Mar 17 Falcon 9 v1.2B2 F7 SES 10 (Simón Bolivar 2) [B1021.2] 18 Apr 17 Atlas V401 (AV-070) OA 7 (Cygnus CRS 07/Orb 7/SS John Glenn), ELaNa XVII (CSUNSat 1, CXBN 2, IceCube (Earth 1)), QB50-ISS (Aalto 2 (FI01), Ao Xiang 1 (CN04, BE04), BeEagleSat (TR01), DUTHSat (GR01), ExAlta 1 (CA03), HAVELSAT (TR02), Hoopoe (IL01), i-INSPIRE 2 (AU03), LilacSat 1 (CN02, BE02), LINK (KR01), NJUST 1 (CN03, BE03), nSIGHT 1 (AZ02), PHOENIX (TW01), PolyITAN-2-SAU (UA01), qbee50-LTU-OC (SE01), QBITO (ES01), QBUS 1 (Challenger, US01), QBUS 2 (Atlantis, US02), QBUS 4 (Columbia, US04), SNUSAT 1/1b (KR02/KR03), SOMP 2 (DE02), SpaceCube (FR05), SUSat (AU01), UNSW-EC0 (AU02), UPSat (GR02), X-CubeSat (FR01), ZA-AeroSat (AZ01)), ALTAIR Pathfinder (ALTAIR 1), KySat 3 (SGSat), Lemur-2 30..33 (JennyBarna, Angela, SpiroVision, RobMoore), SHARC (Biarri-Point) 15 May 17 Falcon 9 v1.2B3 F6 Inmarsat-5 F4 [B1034-] 3 Jun 17 Falcon 9 v1.2B3 F7 SpX 11 (Dragon CRS 11, C106.2), NICER (SEXTANT), MUSES, ROSA, Birds 1 (Brac Onnesha (Bird B), EduSat 1 (Bird N), GhanaSat 1 (ANUSAT 1, Bird G), Mazaalai (NUMSAT 1, Bird M), Toki (Bird J)) [B1035.1] 23 Jun 17 Falcon 9 v1.2B3 F8 BulgariaSat 1 [B1029.2] 25 Jun 17 Falcon 9 v1.2B3 F9 Iridium 2 (Iridium-NEXT 113/115/117/118/120/121 /123/124/126/128) [B1036.1] 5 Jul 17 Falcon 9 v1.2B3 F10 Intelsat 35e [B1037-] 14 Aug 17 Falcon 9 v1.2B4 F1 SpX 12 (Dragon CRS 12, C113), CREAM, ELaNa XXII (ASTERIA (ExoplanetSat), Dellingr (RBLE), OSIRIS-3U), SSPS (Kestrel Eye 2M) [B1039.1] 18 Aug 17 Atlas V401 (AV-074) TDRS 13 (TDRS M) 24 Aug 17 Falcon 9 v1.2B3 F11 Formosat 5 [B1038.1] 9 Oct 17 Falcon 9 v1.2B4 F3 Iridium 3 (Iridium-NEXT 100(127)/107/119/122/ 125/129/132/133/136/139) [B1041.1] 11 Oct 17 Falcon 9 v1.2B3 F12 SES 11 (EchoStar 105) [B1031.2] 30 Oct 17 Falcon 9 v1.2B4 F4 Koreasat 5A (Mugungwha 5A) [B1042.1] 31 Oct 17 Minotaur-C 3210 T10 SkySat 8..13 (SkySat C6..C11), Flock-3m 1..4 (Dove 0F06/0F02/0F13/0F4C) 12 Nov 17 Antares 230 F2 OA 8E (Cygnus CRS 08/SS Gene Cernan), ELaNa XIII (ISARA, EcAMSat, TechEdSat 6), Asgardia 1, CHEFsat, Lemur-2 50..57 (Yonglin, Kevin, BrianDavie, RomaCoste, RocketJonah, Liu-Poh-Chun, McCullagh, Dunlop), OCSD B/C (IOCPS B/C, AeroCube 7B/7C), PropCube 2 (Fauna) 18 Nov 17 Delta 378 (7920-10C) JPSS 1 (NOAA 20), Buccaneer RMM, ELaNa XIV (EagleSat 1, RadFxSat 1 (Fox 1B, AO 91), MakerSat 0, MiRaTA) 15 Dec 17 Falcon 9 v1.2B3 F13 SpX 13 (Dragon CRS 13, C108.2), SDS, TSIS [B1035.2] 23 Dec 17 Falcon 9 v1.2B3 F14 Iridium 4 (Iridium-NEXT 116/130/131/134/135/137 /138/141/151/153) [B1036.2o] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Booster expended o Booster ocean landing ANUSAT All Nations University Satellite AO AMSAT-OSCAR ASTERIA Arcsecond Space Telescope Enabling Research in Astrophysics CHEFSat Cost-Effective High E-Frequency Satellite CREAM Cosmic Radiation Effects and Activation Monitor (Cosmic Ray Energetics And Mass) CRS Commercial Resupply Services CSUNSat California State University Northridge Satellite CXBN Cosmic X-Ray Background DUTHSat Democritus University of Thrace Satellite EcAMSat E. Coli Antimicrobial Satellite i-INSPIRE Initial Integrated Spectrograph, Imaging and Radiation Explorer IOCPS Integrated Optical Communications and Proximity Sensors for Cubesats ISARA Integrated Solar Array and Reflectarray Antenna ISS International Space Station JPSS Joint Polar Satellite System ELaNa Educational Launch of Nanosatellite LINK Little Intelligent Nanosatellite of KAIST LIS Lightning Image Sensor NOAA National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration MiRaTA Microwave Radiometer Technology Acceleration MUSES Multiple User System for Earth Sensing NICER Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer NJUST Nanjin University of Science and Technology NUMSAT National University of Mongolia Satellite OA Orbital ATK OCSD Optical Communications and Sensor Demonstration OSIRIS Orbital Satellite for Investigating the Response of the Ionosphere to Stimulation and Space Weather RBLE Radiation Belt Loss Experiment RMM Risk Mitigation Mission ROSA Rolled Out Solar Array SAGE-IP Stratospheric Aerosol Gas Experiment Instrument Payload SAGE-NVP Stratospheric Aerosol Gas Experiment Nadir Viewing Platform SDS Space Debris Sensor (DRAGONS) SES Societe Europeenne des Satellites SEXTANT Station Explorer for X-ray Timing and Navigation Technology SHARC Satellite for High Accuracy Radar Calibration SOMP Student's Oxygen Measurement Project SNUSAT Seoul National University Satellite SpX Space Exploration Technologies SS Space Ship SSPS Spaceflight Secondary Payload System STP-H Space Test Program - Houston SUSat South Australian Universities Satellite TDRS Tracking and Data Relay Satellite TSIS Total and Spectral Solar Irradiance Sensor UNSW-EC0 University of New South Wales Educational Cubesat Zero UPSat University of Patras Satellite UNITED STATES COMMERCIAL ELV LAUNCH RECORD (2018) Date Launch Vehicle Payload -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 Jan 18 Falcon 9 v1.2B3 F15 GovSat 1 (SES 16) [B1032.2o] 6 Feb 18 Falcon Heavy F1 Tesla Roadster [B1023.2/B1033*/B1025.2] 22 Feb 18 Falcon 9 v1.2B3 F16 Paz (SEOSAR, exactView 8, EV 8), Tintin A/B (MicroSat 2A/2B) [B1038.2-] 1 Mar 18 Atlas V541 (AV-077) GOES 17 (GOES S) 6 Mar 18 Falcon 9 v1.2B4 F6 Hispasat 30W-6 (Hispasat 1F), PODSat [B1044-] 30 Mar 18 Falcon 9 v1.2B4 F7 Iridium 5 (Iridium-NEXT 140/142/143/144/145/146 /148/149/150/157) [B1041.2-] 2 Apr 18 Falcon 9 v1.2B4 F8 SpX 14 (Dragon CRS 14, C110.2), ASIM, MISSE-FF, PFCS, Overview 1A, RemoveDebris (DebrisSAT 1/2, Net), Irazú (Batsú-CS 1), Ubakusat, 1KUNS-PF [B1039.2-] 18 Apr 18 Falcon 9 v1.2B4 F9 TESS (MIDEX 7, Explorer 95) [B1045.1] 5 May 18 Atlas V401 (AV-078) InSIGHT (GEMS, Discovery 12), MarCO A/B (Wall-E/Eve) 11 May 18 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F1 Bangabandhu 1 [B1046.1] 21 May 18 Antares 230 F3 OA 9E (Cygnus CRS 09/SS J.R. Thompson), ELaNa XXIII (CubeRRT, EQUISat, HaloSat, MemSat, RadSat-g, RainCube, TEMPEST-D,1), AeroCube 12A/12B, Endurosat One, Lemur-2 78..81 (TomHenderson, Yuasa, Alexander, Vu), Radix 22 May 18 Falcon 9 v1.2B4 F10 Iridium 6 (Iridium-NEXT 110/147/152/161/162), GRACE-FO 1/2 [B1043.2-] 4 Jun 18 Falcon 9 v1.2B4 F11 SES 12 [B1040.2-] 29 Jun 18 Falcon 9 v1.2B4 F12 SpX 15 (Dragon CRS 15, C111.2), ECOSTRESS, LEE 205, Biarri-Squad 1..3, Birds 2 (UiTMSAT 1 (Bird MYS), Maya 1 (Bird PHL), Bhutan 1 (Bird BTN)) [B1045.2-] 22 Jul 18 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F2 Telstar 19 Vantage [B1047.1] 25 Jul 18 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F3 Iridium 7 (Iridium-NEXT 154/155/156/158/159/160 /163/164/166/167) [B1048.1] 7 Aug 18 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F4 Merah Putih (Telkom 4) [B1046.2] 12 Aug 18 Delta 380 IVHU/Star-48BV F1 Parker Solar Probe (Solar Probe Plus) 10 Sep 18 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F5 Telstar 18 Vantage (Apstar 5C) [B1049.1] 15 Sep 18 Delta 381 (7420-10C) ICESat 2, ELaNa XVIII (DAVE (CP-7), ELFIN (ELFIN A), ELFIN* (ELFIN B), SurfSat) 8 Oct 18 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F6 SAOCOM 1A [B1048.2] 15 Nov 18 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F7 Es'hail 2 (AMSAT P4A) [B1047.2] 17 Nov 18 Antares 230 F4 NG 10 (Cygnus CRS 10/OA 10E, SS John Young), CHEFsat 2, ELaNa 16 (KickSat 2 with 104 Sprite sats), MySat 1, UbiquitiLink 3 Dec 18 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F8 SSO-A SmallSat Express (AISTECHSAT 2, Al-Farabi 2, Astrocast 0.1, Audacy 0, BlackHawk, BlackSky 2 (BlackSky Global 2), BRIO, Capella 1 (Denali, SpaceCap), Centauri 1, CSIM-FD, Eaglet 1, ELaNa 24 (Irvine 02, WeissSat 1), Elysium Star 2, ESEO (FUNcube 4), Eu:CROPIS, eXCITe (PTB 1), ExseedSat 1, FalconSat 6, Flock-3s 1..3 (Dove 105C/2151/210D), Fox 1C (1Cliff), Hawk A/B/C (HawkEye Pathfinder 1..3), Hiber 2, ICE-Cap, ICEYE X2, ITASAT 1, JY1-SAT (FUNcube 6, JO97), K2SAT, KazSciSat 1, KazSTSat, KNACKSAT, Lacma Enoch, Landmapper-BC 4 (Corvus-BC 4), MinXSS 2, MOVE II, NEXTSat 1, Orbital Reflector (ORS 1), Orbweaver 1/2, ORS 7A/7B (Polar Scout 1/2, Yukon/Kodiak), PWSat 2, RAAF M1, RANGE A/B, SeaHawk 1, EG Pathfinder 2 (Sirion Pathfinder 2, Helios Wire Pathfinder 2), SeeMe, SkySat 14/15 (SkySat C12/C13), SNUGLITE, SNUSAT 2, SpaceBEE 5..7, SPAWAR-CAL-O, SPAWAR-CAL-R, SPAWAR-CAL-OR, STPSat 5, Suomi-100, THEA, VESTA, VisionCube) [B1046.3] 5 Dec 18 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F9 SpX 16 (Dragon CRS 16, C112.2), GEDI, RRM3, CAT-1/2, Delphini 1 (AUSAT 1), ELaNa 21 (TechEdSat 8, UNITE), [Lynk 01], SEOPS Quantum Radar 1/2 [B1050*] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Booster recovery failure - Booster expended o Booster ocean landing 1KUNS-PF First Kenyan University Nanosatellite Precursor Flight AMSAT Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation ASIM Atmosphere Space Interactions Monitor AUSAT Aarhus University Satellite BTN Bhutan CAT Cubesat Assessment and Test CHEFsat Cost Effective High E-Frequency Satellite CP California Polytechnic CRS Commercial Resupply Services CSIM-FD Compact Spectral Irradiance Monitor Flight Demonstration CubeRRT CubeSat Radiometer Radio Frequency Interference Technology Validation DAVE Damping and Vibration Experiment DoD Department of Defense ECOSTRESS Ecosystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station ELaNa Educational Launch of Nanosatellite ELFIN Electron Losses and Fields Investigation ESEO European Student Earth Orbiter Eu:CROPIS Euglena and Combined Regenerative Organic Food Production in Space eXCITe Experiment for Cellular Integration Technologies GEDI Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (Lidar) GEMS Geophysical Monitoring Station GOES Geostationary Operational Enviromental Satellite ICE-Cap Integrated Communications Extension Capability InSIGHT Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport ITASAT Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica Satellite JO Jordan OSCAR KNACKSAT KMUTNB Academic Challenge of Knowledge Satellite LEE Latching End Effector MarCO Mars Cube One MemSat Memresistor Satellite MIDEX Mid-Sized Explorer MinXSS Miniature X-ray Solar Spectrometer MISSE-FF Materials on International Space Station Experiment Flight Facility MOVE Munich Orbital Verification Experiment MYS Malaysia NG Northrop Grumman OA Orbital ATK ORS Orbital Reflector Satellite ORS Operationally Responsive Space PFCS Pump and Flow Control System PHL Philippines PODSat Payload Orbital Delivery Satellite PTB Payload Test Bed RAAF M Royal Australian Air Force Mission RadSat Radiation Satellite RANGE Ranging and Nanosatellite Guidance Experiment RRM Robotic Refueling Mission SAOCOM Satélite Argentino de Observación Con Microondas SeeMe Space Enabled Effects for Military Engagements SES Societe Europeenne des Satellites SEOSAR Spanish Earth Observation Synthetic Aperture Radar SNUSAT Seoul National University Satellite SpX Space Exploration Technologies SS Space Ship SSO Sun Synchronous Orbit STPSat Space Test Program Satellite TEMPEST-D Temporal Experiment for Storms and Tropical Systems Demonstrator TESS Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite UiTMSAT Universiti Teknologi MARA Satellite UNITE Undergraduate Nano Ionospheric Temperature Explorer UNITED STATES COMMERCIAL ELV LAUNCH RECORD (2019) Date Launch Vehicle Payload -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 Jan 19 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F11 Iridium 8 (Iridium-NEXT 167/168/169/170/171/172 /173/175/176/180) [B1049.2] 22 Feb 19 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F12 Nusantara Satu (PSN VI), Sherpa-GTO1 (Beresheet (Sparrow), S5) [B1048.3] 2 Mar 19 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F13 SpX DM1 (Dragon 2 uncrewed test, C201) [B1051.1] 11 Apr 19 Falcon Heavy B5 F1 Arabsat 6A [B1052.1/B1055*/B1053.1] 17 Apr 19 Antares 230 F5 NG 11 (Cygnus CRS 11/OA 11E, SS Roger Chaffee), AeroCube 10a (JimSat, AC-10a Probe 01..29), AeroCube 10b (DougSat), Birds 3 (NepaliSat 1 (Bird NPL), Raavana 1 (Bird LKA), Uguisu (Bird JPN)), ELaNa 26 (Virginia CubeSat Constellation A/B/C (Aeternitas, Libertas, Ceres)), EntrySat, IOD-GEMS (IOD 1), KrakSat, Seeker/Kenobi, SpooQy 1, ThinSat 1A..1L, SASSI², Swiatowid, Venturini 4 May 19 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F14 SpX 17 (Dragon CRS 17, C113.2), OCO 3, Red-Eye 1 (PINOT), STP-H6 [B1056.1] 24 May 19 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F15 Starlink L0 v0.9 1..60 (21..46/48..81) [B1049.3] 12 Jun 19 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F16 RCM 1/2/3 (Radarsat Constellation 1/2/3) [B1051.2] 25 Jul 19 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F17 SpX 18 (Dragon CRS 18, C108.3), IDA 3, ELaNa 27 (RFTSat 1 (NNUSat 2)), [Lynk 02], NARSScube 2, ORCA 1 (SEOPS-ORCA), Quantum Radar 3 [B1056.2] 6 Aug 19 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F18 AMOS 17 [B1047.3-] 11 Oct 19 Pegasus XL F44 ICON (MIDEX 8, Helio EX-1, Explorer 96) 2 Nov 19 Antares 230+ F1 NG 12 (Cygnus CRS2 1/OA 12, SS Alan Bean), AeroCube 14A/14B (IMPACT 2A/2B), AeroCube 15A/15B (Rogue Alpha/Beta), CraigX FTP, ELaNa 25A (HARP, HuskySat I, MVP-Argus (Argus 02), Phoenix, RadSat-U, SOCRATES, SwampSat II), Orbital Factory 2, STPSat 4 11 Nov 19 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F19 Starlink L1 v1.0 1..60 (1007..1017/1019..1065/ 1067/1068) [B1048.4] 5 Dec 19 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F20 SpX 19 (Dragon CRS 19, C106.3), HISUI, 1 Li-Ion Battery, RiTS, ELaNa 25B (AzTechSat 1, SORTIE, CryoCube 1), ELaNa 28 (CIRiS, EdgeCube), [Lynk 03], MakerSat 1, MiniCarb (CNGB), ORCA 2, ORCA 8, QARMAN (QB50 BE05), VPM [B1059.1] 16 Dec 19 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F21 JCSAT 18 (Kacific 1) [B1056.3] 20 Dec 19 Atlas VN22 (AV-080) Starliner OFT (uncrewed test, SC3-1/SM3) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Booster recovery failure + Booster expended CIRiS Compact Infrared Radiometer in Space CNGB CubeSat Next Generation Bus CRS Commercial Resupply Services DM Demonstration Mission ELaNa Educational Launch of Nanosatellite EX Explorer FTP Flight Test Platform GEMS Global Environmental Monitoring Satellite GTO Geostationary Transfer Orbit HARP Hyper Angular Rainbow Polarimeter HISUI Hyperspectral Imaging Suite ICON Ionospheric Connection IDA International Space Station Docking Adapter IOD In Orbit Demonstration JPN Japan LKA Sri Lanka MIDEX Mid-Sized Explorer MVP Minimum Viable Product NARSS National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences NG Northrop Grumman NNUSat North Nazarene University Satellite NPL Nepal OA Orbital ATK OCO Orbiting Carbon Observatory OFT Orbital Test Flight PSN Pacific Satelit Nusantara QARMAN Cubesat for Aerothermodynamic Research and Measurements on Ablation RCM Radarsat Constellation Mission RFTSat Radio Frequency Tag Satellite RiTS Robotics Tool Stowage SASSI Student Aerothermal Spectrometer Satellite of Illinois SOCRATES Signal of Opportunity Cubesat Ranging and Timing Experiments SORTIE Scintillation Observations and Response of the Ionosphere to Electrodynamics SpX Space Exploration Technologies SS Space Ship STP-H Space Test Program Houston STPSat Space Test Program Satellite VPM Very Low Frequency Propagation Mapper UNITED STATES COMMERCIAL ELV LAUNCH RECORD (2020) Date Launch Vehicle Payload -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Jan 20 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F22 Starlink L2 v1.0 1..60 (1066/1069..1104/1106.. 1119/1121..1126/1128/1130(Darksat)/1144) [B1049.4] 29 Jan 20 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F24 Starlink L3 v1.0 1..60 (1120/1127/1129/1131.. 1137/1139..1142/1145..1153/1155..1186/1190/1193 ..1196) [B1051.3] 10 Feb 20 Atlas V411 (AV-087) Solar Orbiter (M1) 15 Feb 20 Antares 230+ F2 NG 13 (Cygnus CRS2 2/OA 13, SS Robert Lawrence), ColKa, DeMI, ELaNa 30 (TechEdSat 10), Red-Eye 2 (MERLOT), Red-Eye 3 (CABERNET) 17 Feb 20 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F25 Starlink L4 v1.0 1..60 (1105/1138/1143/1154/ 1187..1189/1191/1192/1197..1206/1208..1212/1214 ..1222/1224..1241/1243..1247/1254/1269..1271) [B1056.4*] 7 Mar 20 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F26 SpX 20 (Dragon CRS 20, C112.3), Bartolomeo (CEPHFISS), G-Satellite 1, GEROS, Guatesat 1 (Quetzal 1), Lynk 04 (ULTP, Lynk the World) [B1059.2] 18 Mar 20 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F27 Starlink L5 v1.0 1..60 (1207/1213/1255..1260/ 1262..1268/1272..1293/1295..1313/1316..1319) [B1048.5*] *23 Mar 20 Rocket 3.0 LV0003 1 of 3 (Destroyed in ground accident) 22 Apr 20 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F28 Starlink L6 v1.0 1..60 (1261/1294/1320..1350/ 1352..1358/1360..1369/1371..1379/1390) [B1051.4] *25 May 20 LauncherOne R2 Starshine 4, INTERNSat 30 May 20 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F29 SpX DM2 (Dragon 2 C206.1 crewed test) [B1058.1] 4 Jun 20 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F30 Starlink L7 v1.0 1..60 (1351/1370/1392..1423/ 1433/1434/1436(VisorSat)/1437..1458/1460) [B1049.5] 13 Jun 20 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F31 Starlink L8 v1.0 1..58 (1391/1459/1461..1513/ 1516/1517/1521), SkySat 16..18 (C14..C16) [B1059.3] 20 Jul 20 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F33 ANASIS 2 (KMilSatCom 1) [B1058.2] 30 Jul 20 Atlas V541 (AV-088) Perseverance (Mars 2020), Ingenuity (Mars Helicopter) 7 Aug 20 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F34 Starlink L9 v1.0 1..57 (1514/1515/1522..1527/ 1529/1530/1532..1536/1538..1544/1548/1549/1551/ 1552/1554..1574/1576..1584/1591), SXRS 1 (BlackSky 5/6 (Blacksky Global 7/8)) [B1051.5] 18 Aug 20 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F35 Starlink L10 v1.0 1..58 (1545/1585..1590/1592.. 1608/1610..1616/1618..1643/1667), SkySat 19..21 (C17..C19) [B1049.6] 30 Aug 20 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F36 SAOCOM 1B, GNOMES 1, EG 1 (Tyvak 0172) [B1059.4] 3 Sep 20 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F37 Starlink L11 v1.0 1..60 (1546/1547/1550/1553/ 1575/1617/1646/1651..1654/1656..1658/1661/1662/ 1665/1666/1670/1673/1686/1688..1691/1695/1707/ 1710/1711/1713/1719/1721..1727/1734/1738..1739/ 1742/1745/1750..1752/1756..1760/1762..1765/1767 ..1771) [B1060.2] *12 Sep 20 Rocket 3.1 LV0004 Test flight 3 Oct 20 Antares 230+ F3 NG 14 (Cygnus CRS2 3, SS Kalpana Chawla), DESCENT Mother/Daughter, ELaNa 31 (BobCat 1, NEUTRON 1, SPOC), Lemur-2 v4.7 (Djara (NICSAT))/ Lemur-2 v4.8), SAT-LLA, SharkSat 6 Oct 20 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F38 Starlink L12 v1.0 1..60 (1531/1644/1648..1650/ 1659/1660/1663/1664/1668/1671/1672/1674..1685/ 1687/1692..1694/1696..1702/1705/1706/1708/1709/ 1712/1714/1728..1730/1732/1733/1735..1737/1740/ 1741/1743/1744/1746..1749/1753..1755) [B1058.3] 18 Oct 20 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F39 Starlink L13 v1.0 1..60 (1715..1718/1720/1731/ 1766/1772..1776/1778/1780/1781/1783/1784/1786/ 1788..1797/1799..1805/1807..1811/1813..1831/ 1841) [B1051.6] 24 Oct 20 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F40 Starlink L14 v1.0 1..60 (1798/1832..1835/1847/ 1848/1851/1865/1872/1882/1883/1892..1894/1896.. 1899/1901..1903/1905/1906/1908/1910/1911/1915.. 1926/1928..1937/1939/1941..1950) [B1060.3] 16 Nov 20 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F42 SpaceX Crew 1 (SpX PCM1, Dragon 2 USCV 1, C207.1) [B1061.1] 21 Nov 20 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F43 Sentinel 6A Michael Freilich (Jason-CS) [B1063.1] 25 Nov 20 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F44 Starlink L15 v1.0 1..60 (1777/1779/1785/1787/ 1812/1836..1840/1842..1846/1849/1850/1852..1864 /1866..1871/1873..1881/1884..1891/1895/1900/ 1907/1912..1914/1927) [B1049.7] 6 Dec 20 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F45 SpX 21 (Dragon 2 CRS2 1, C208.1), Bishop Airlock Module [B1058.4] 13 Dec 20 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F46 SXM 7 [B1051.7] *15 Dec 20 Rocket 3.2 LV0005 Test flight (P128) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Launch failure/Booster recovery failure ANASIS Army Navy Air Force Satellite Information System CEPHFISS Commercial External Payload Hosting Facility On ISS ColKa Columbus Ka-band Antenna CRS Commercial Resupply Services DeMI Deformable Mirror DM Demonstration Mission DESCENT Deorbiting Spacecraft using Electrodynamic Tether EG EchoStar Global ELaNa Educational Launch of Nanosatellite G-Satellite Gundam Satellite GEROS GNSS Reflectometry, Radio Occultation and Scatterometry GNOMES GNSS Navigation and Occultation Measurement Satellites GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System ISS International Space Station NICSAT National Intelligence Community Satellite NG Northrop Grumman OA Orbital ATK PCM Post Certification Mission SAOCOM Satélite Argentino de Observación Con Microondas SPOC Spectral Ocean Color SpX Space Exploration Technologies SS Space Ship SXM Sirius XM SXRS SpaceX Ride Share ULTP UbiquitiLink Test Payload USCV United States Crew Vehicle UNITED STATES COMMERCIAL ELV LAUNCH RECORD (2021) Date Launch Vehicle Payload -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 Jan 21 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F48 Türksat 5A [B1060.4] 17 Jan 21 LauncherOne R3 VCLS 2/ELaNa XX (CACTUS 1, CAPE 3, ExoCube 2 (CP12), MiTEE 1, PICS 1/2, Prometheus 2.8/2.11, PolarCube, Q-PACE (SIMPLEx 2), RadFXSat 2 (Fox 1E, AO-109, Evolution), TechEdSat 7) 20 Jan 21 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F49 Starlink L16 v1.0 1..60 (1952/2011/2017/2034/ 2045..2047/2049/2050/2055/2069..2071/2076/2077/ 2079..2082/2084..2086/2088/2089/2092..2094/2096 ..2106/2108..2115/2117..2124/2127/2128/2130/ 2133..2135) [B1051.8] 24 Jan 21 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F50 Transporter 1 (ASELSAT, Aurora Insight Charlie, Capella 3/4 (Whitney 1/2), Flock 4s 1..48 (Dove 2436/2428/2433/242B/2423/2455/2451/2450/2447/ 2449/2445/241A/2453/241F/242F/2434/2432/2421/ 242D/2439/245C/241E/245D/2431/2448/245F/2457/ 2460/2463/2459/241B/245A/2420/2464/242A/241D/ 2429/245E/2458/2462/2427/2430/2435/2440/2442/ 2444/2456/2465), GHGSat-C2 (Nemo-V1 Hugo), Hiber 4, ICEYE X8/X9, IDEASSat (Flying Squirrel, Feishu Weixing), ION SCV 002 Laurentius/Pulse (ARGO 1.0, DRAGO), Kepler 8..15 (Amarok/Artemis/Baby Yoda/Daneel/Boba/ Lucky/Sudormrf), Lemur-2 130..137 (Chantal/ JenniferSong/NallyWacker/Neva/NoobNoob/ Ruairi-Eilidh/SaoirseDH5Guo/Mango1), PIXL 1 (CubeL, OSIRIS4CubeSat), SOMP 2b, SpaceBEE 40..75, Starlink R0 v1.0.9 1..10 (2199-2208), SXRS 3 (Sherpa-FX1, ARCE 1A/1B/1C, Astrocast 0101..0105 (1.x1..1.x5), Celestis 17 Horizon, ELaNa 35 (PTD 1), ELROI, Hawk 2A/2B/2C (Hawkeye Cluster 2), QPS-SAR 2 (Izanami), Prometheus 2.10 (P2-10), TagSat 1 (EyeStar Tag)), UVSQ-SAT, V-R3X 1..3 (Cora/Petrie/Littlefoot), XR 1, YUSAT 1 (Yushan Weixing)) [B1058.5] 4 Feb 21 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F51 Starlink L18 v1.0 1..60 (RF Mission 1-1, 1782/ 1806/1909/1938/1940/1951/1953..1971/1975..1982/ 1984/1986..1991/1993..2008/2021/2023..2025) [B1060.5] 16 Feb 21 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F52 Starlink L19 v1.0 1..60 (RF Mission 2-1, 1528/ 1609/1645/1655/1669/1704/1761/1972..1974/1983/ 1985/1992/2009/2010/2012..2016/2018..2020/2022/ 2026..2028/2030..2033/2035..2044/2051..2054/ 2056..2060/2062/2064..2067/2078/2083/2090/2091/ 2095) [B1059.6*] 20 Feb 21 Antares 230+ F4 NG 15 (Cygnus CRS2 4, S.S. Katherine Johnson), ELaNa 33 (IT-SPINS (SpaceBuoy)), GuaraniSat 1, Gunsmoke-J 2 (Jacob's Ladder 2), Lawkanat 1 (MMSATS 1), OPUSAT 2 (Hirogari), Maya 2, MySat 2 (Dhabisat), ORCA 6/7, RSP 01, STARS-EC (Sanko), TAUSat 1, ThinSat 2A..2I, Tsuru, TUMnanoSAT, WARP 01 (Nichirin) 4 Mar 21 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F53 Starlink L17 v1.0 1..60 (2068/2107/2116/2125/ 2126/2129/2131/2132/2140..2144/2146..2150/2152/ 2154/2156..2164/2168..2172/2174..2185/2189/2192 ..2198/2209..2213/2223) [B1049.8] 11 Mar 21 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F54 Starlink L20 v1.0 1..60 (RF Mission 3-1, 2257/ 2314/2315/2319/2322/2334/2338/2341/2347/2373/ 2377/2379..2396/2399..2403/2406..2411/2413/2415 /2416/2419/2420/2422..2427/2429/2431..2435/2446 /2453/2456) [B1058.6] 14 Mar 21 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F55 Starlink L21 v1.0 1..60 (RF Mission 4-1, 2258/ 2280/2291/2293/2304/2310/2320/2321/2323/2324/ 2326..2333/2335..2337/2339/2340/2342..2346/2348 ..2372/2374..2376/2378/2397/2398/2405) [B1051.9] 24 Mar 21 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F56 Starlink L22 v1.0 1..60 (RF Mission 5-1, 1647/ 2087/2153/2216/2218/2226/2229/2239/2243/2254/ 2259..2268/2270..2273/2277..2279/2281..2290/ 2292/2294..2303/2305..2309/2311..2313/2316.. 2318/2325) [B1060.6] 7 Apr 21 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F57 Starlink L23 v1.0 1..60 (RF Mission 6-1, 2048/ 2404/2412/2414/2417/2418/2421/2428/2430/2436.. 2440/2442..2445/2447..2452/2454/2455/2458..2460 /2462..2469/2471..2476/2478..2493/2503) [B1058.7] 23 Apr 21 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F58 SpaceX Crew 2 (Dragon 2 USCV 2, C206.2) [B1061.2] 29 Apr 21 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F59 Starlink L24 v1.0 1..60 (RF Mission 1-2, 2029/ 2061/2441/2457/2470/2477/2495/2498/2501/2502/ 2504/2506/2507/2509..2520/2523/2524/2527/2528/ 2530/2532..2538/2540..2550/2555..2559/2562/2564 ..2567/2569/2580) [B1060.7] 4 May 21 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F60 Starlink L25 v1.0 1..60 (RF Mission 2-2, 1904/ 2499/2505/2526/2560/2561/2563/2568/2570..2576/ 2578/2581/2585..2596/2598..2614/2521..2624/2626 /2628/2630/2631/2635..2637/2641/2643/2674) [B1049.9] 9 May 21 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F61 Starlink L27 v1.0 1..60 (RF Mission 4-2, 2247/ 2269/2461/2494/2496/2497/2500/2508/2525/2529/ 2531/2579/2582/2583/2619/2620/2632..2634/2638.. 2640/2642/2644/2645/2652/2654/2655/2658..2661/ 2663/2675/2680..2687/2689/2690/2692/2693/2696.. 2700/2702/2703/2706/2722/2723/2728/2729/2749/ 2755) [B1051.10] 15 May 21 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F62 Starlink L26 v1.0 1..52 (RF Mission 3-2, 2063/ 2139/2145/2151/2155/2166/2167/2173/2186..2188/ 2190/2191/2214/2215/2217/2219..2222/2224/2225/ 2227/2228/2231..2238/2240..2242/2244..2246/2248 ..2253/2255/2256/2274..2276/2713/2714/2757), Capella 6 (Whitney 4), GeoStare 2 (Tyvak 0130) [B1058.8] 26 May 21 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F63 Starlink L28 v1.0 1..60 (RF Mission 5-2, 2521/ 2615..2618/2627/2629/2646..2649/2651/2653/2657/ 2666/2667/2672/2673/2688/2691/2695/2701/2704/ 2705/2707..2709/2711/2712/2715/2717/2719/2720/ 2725..2727/2731..2743/2745/2746/2748/2750..2754 /2756/2758/2763) [B1063.2] 3 Jun 21 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F64 SpX 22 (Dragon 2 CRS2 2, C209.1), G-Satellite 2 (BD 28), ELaNa 36A (RamSat), iROSA 1/2 (2B/4B), MIR-SAT 1, MISSE-FF 2, SOAR [B1067.1] 6 Jun 21 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F65 SXM 8 [B1061.3] 30 Jun 21 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F67 Transporter 2 (Capella 5 (Whitney 3), Centauri 4 (Tyvak 0211), D2/AtlaCom 1, EG 3 (Tyvak 0173), GNOMES 2, ICEYE X11..X14, ION SCV 003 Dauntless David/Wild Ride (Ghalib, NAPA 2 (RTAF-SAT 2), NEPT 1 (Neptuno), QMR-KWT, SPARTAN (EnduroSat), W-Cube, [ADEO-N, LaserCube, Nebula, Worldfloods]), SXRS 5 (Sherpa-FX2 (Astrocast 0201..0205 (2.x1..2.x5), Hawk 3A..3C (Hawkeye Cluster 3), Lemur-2 142/143/145 (John-Treires/C-Cubed/Merima), Painani 2, Lynk 06 (Shannon), SpaceBEE 88..99, [TagSat 2 (TROOP 2)]), Sherpa-LTE1 (Arthur 1, Aurora (Astro Digital Demo 9, Shasta), Faraday Phoenix, KSF 1A..1D (Polar Vigilance 1..4, KSM 2), Lemur-2 144 (CarlSantaMari), Aurora (Astro Digital Demo 9, Shasta), Tenzing (Astro Digital Demo 8, Tanker-001), Tiger 2 (Ayan 21)), YAM 2), Lemur-2 140/141 (Jackson/AnnaBanana), LINCS 1/2, Mandrake 2A/2B (Able/Baker), ÑuSat 19..22 (Rosalind/Grace/Elisa/Sofya, NewSat 19..22), PACE 1, SpaceBEE 100..111, SpaceBEENZ 7..10, Starlink R1 v1.5 1..3 (3003..3005), TROPICS Pathfinder, TUBIN (Tubsat 27), Umbra-SAR 2001, YAM 3) [B1060.8] 10 Aug 21 Antares 230+ F5 NG 16 (Cygnus CRS2 5, S.S. Ellison Onizuka), KREPE (3), PIRPL, WVSAT A/B/C/D 29 Aug 21 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F68 SpX 23 (Dragon 2 CRS2 3, C208.2), Binar 1, CUAVA 1, ELaNa 37 (CAPSat, PR_CuNar2, SPACE HAUC), Maya 3/4, OSCAR-QUBE [B1061.4] * 3 Sep 21 Alpha FLTA001 DREAM (BSS 1, Cresst Dream Comet, PicoBus 1 (FOSSASat 1B/2, Genesis L/N, Qubik 1/2), Hiapo, NPS-CENETIX-Orbital 1, Serenity F1 (TISSCCE), [Firefly Capsule 1, Spinnaker 3]) 14 Sep 21 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F69 Starlink Group 2-1 v1.5 1..51 (RF Mission 1-5, 3042/3043/3045..3048/3050..3060/3068/3069/ 3071..3074/3077/3078/3080..3091/3093/3095/3096/ 3100..3104/3106/3107/3109/3116/3118/3119) [B1049.10] 16 Sep 21 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F70 Inspiration4 (Dragon 2 C207.2) [B1062.3] 27 Sep 21 Atlas V401 (AV-092) Landsat 9, ELaNa 34 (CuPID, CUTE), Cesium Sat 1/2 16 Oct 21 Atlas V401 (AV-096) Lucy (Discovery 13) 11 Nov 21 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F71 SpaceX Crew 3 (Dragon 2 USCV 3, C210.1) [B1067.2] 13 Nov 21 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F72 Starlink Group 4-1 v1.5 1..53 (3044/3049/3075/ 3097..3099/3105/3108/3110..3112/3114/3115/3117/ 3120..3141/3144..3147/3149..3151/3153..3162) [B1058.9] 24 Nov 21 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F73 DART, LICIACube [B1063.3] 2 Dec 21 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F74 Starlink Group 4-3 v1.5 1..48 (3113/3143/3148/ 3155/3190..3204/3206..3210/3218/3219/3225..3229 /3231/3233/3236..3242/3244/3246..3252), SXRS 2 (BlackSky 12/13 (BlackSky Global 12/13)) [B1060.9] 9 Dec 21 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F75 IXPE (SMEX 14) [B1061.5] 18 Dec 21 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F76 Starlink Group 4-4 v1.5 1..52 (3235/3245/3254.. 3277/3279..3289/3291..3293/3296..3298/3301/3303 ..3307/3309/3313/3317) [B1051.11] 19 Dec 21 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F77 Türksat 5B [B1067.3] 21 Dec 21 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F78 SpX 24 (Dragon 2 CRS2 4, C209.2), STP-H7, STP-H8 (COWVR, TEMPEST), ELaNa 38 (DAILI, GASPACS, PATCOOL, TARGIT, [TAUSat 3]), FEES 2, GT 1, Light 1 (RAADsat) [B1069.1] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Launch failure/Booster recovery failure AMSAT Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation AO AMSAT-OSCAR ARCE Articulated Reconnaissance and Communications Expedition BSS Benchmark Space Systems CACTUS Coordinated Applied Capitol Technology University Satellite CAPE Cajun Advanced Picosatellite Experiment CAPSat Cool Annealing Payload Satellite COWVR Compact Ocean Wind Vector Radiometer CP California Polytechnic CRS Commercial Resupply Services CUAVA CubeSats, Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles and Their Applications CubeL Cubesat Laser CuPID Cusp Plasma Imaging Detector CUTE Colorado Ultraviolet Transit Experiment DAILI Daily Atmospheric and Ionospheric Limb Imager DART Double Asteroid Redirection Test DRAGO Demonstrator for Remote Analysis of Ground Observations DREAM Dedicated Research and Education Accelerator Mission EG EchoStar Global ELaNa Educational Launch of Nanosatellite ELROI Extremely Low Resource Optical Identifier FEES Flexible Experimental Embedded Satellite FX Free Flying Satellite Deployer FOSSASat Free Open Source and Aerospace Satellite G-Satellite Gundam Satellite GASPACS Get Away Special Passive Attitude Control Satellite GHGSat Greenhouse Gas Satellite GNOMES GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) Navigation and Occultation Measurement Satellites GT Georgia Institute of Technology IDEASSat Ionospheric Dynamics Explorer and Attitude Subsystem Satellite ION SCV In Orbit Now Satellite Carrier Vehicle iROSA ISS Roll Out Solar Array IT-SPINS Ionosphere Thermosphere Scanning Photometer for Ion Neutral Studies IXPE Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer KREPE Kentucky Re-Entry Probe Experiment KSF Kleos Space Flight LICIACube Light Italian Cubesat for Imaging of Asteroids Cubesat LINCS Laser Interconnect & Communications System MIR-SAT Mauritian Infrared Satellite MISSE-FF Materials on International Space Station Experiment Flight Facility MiTEE Miniature Tether Electrodynamics Experiment MMSATS Myanmar Micro Satellite NG Northrop Grumman NPS-CENETIX Naval Postgraduate School Center for Network Innovation and Experimentation OPUSAT Osaka Prefecture University Satellite OSCAR Orbiting Satellite Carrying Amateur Radio OSCAR-QUBE Optical Sensors Based on Carbon Materials Quantum Belgium OSIRIS4CubeSat Optical Space Infrared Downlink System For Cubesat PACE Payload Accelerator for Cubesat Endeavours PATCOOL Passive Thermal Coating Observatory Operating in Low Earth Orbit PICS Passive Inspection Cubesat PIRPL Prototype Infra-Red Payload PIXL Photo Images Cross Laser PR_CuNar Puerto Rico Cubesat Nanorocks PTD Pathfinder Technology Demonstrator Q-PACE CubeSat Particle Aggregation and Collision Experiment QPS-SAR Q-shu Pioneers of Space Synthetic Aperture Radar RF Radio Frequency RAADSat Rapid Acquisition Atmospheric Detector Satellite RSP Ryman Satellite Project RTAF-SAT Royal Thai Air Force Satellite SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar SIMPLEx Small Innovative Missions for Planetary Exploration SMEX Small Explorer SOAR Satellite for Orbital Aerodynamics Research SOMP Student's Oxygen Measurement Project SPACE HAUC Science Program Around Communication Engineering with High Achieving Undergraduate Cadres SpaceBEENZ SpaceBEE New Zealand SPARTAN Shared Platform for Applied Research and Technology Affirmation SpX Space Exploration Technologies STARS-EC Space Tethered Autonomous Robotic Satellite Elevator of CubeSat STP-H Space Technology Program Houston SXM Sirius XM SXRS SpaceX Ride Share TARGIT Tethering and Ranging Mission of the Georgia Institute of Technology TAUSat Tel Aviv University Satellite TEMPEST Temporal Experiment for Storms and Tropical Systems TISSCCE Teachers in Space Standard Classroom Cubekit Equipment TUBIN Technische Universität Berlin Infrared Nanosatellite TUMnanoSAT Technical University of Moldova Nano Satellite TROOP Train Rapid On Orbit Payload TROPICS Time Resolved Observations of Precipitation Structure and Storm Intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats USCV United States Crew Vehicle UVSQ-SAT Ultraviolet and Infrared Sensors at High Quantum Efficiency Satellite VCLS Venture Class Launch Services YAM Yet Another Mission YUSAT Yushan Satellite UNITED STATES COMMERCIAL ELV LAUNCH RECORD (2022) Date Launch Vehicle Payload -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Jan 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F79 Starlink Group 4-5 v1.5 1..49 (3230/3232/3234/ 3278/3290/3294/3295/3299/3300/3302/3308/3310.. 3312/3314..3316/3318..3343/3346..3349/3353/ 3355) [B1062.4] 13 Jan 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F80 Transporter 3 (Alba Cluster 3 (Delfi-PQ, EASAT 2 (SO 114, Spain-OSCAR 114), Grizu 263A, Hades, SATLLA 2A/2B, Unicorn 1/2A/2D/2E/2TA1 (Tartan Artibeus 1)), Alba Cluster 4 (MDQube-SAT (MDQSAT 1, General San Martin) 1, PION-BR 1), BRO 5, Challenger, CShark Pilot 1 (FOSSASat 2E3), DEWA-Sat 1, ETV A1 (EarthTV 1), Flock 4x 1..44 (Dove 2473/2477/2482/2483/247C/2470/2478/ 2438/248C/249A/249B/2498/249C/2489/2492/2484/ 247A/249D/247E/2495/2485/2479/24A2/248B/24A3/ 2490/2474/24A5/247F/24A4/2499/249E/2496/247D/ 2461/2446/2481/248F/2475/248E/2488/2480/2486/ 247B), FOSSASat 2E5/2E6, Gossamer Piccolomini (Gossamer 1), HYPSO 1, ICEYE X14 (XR 2)/X16, ION SCV 004 Elysian Eleonora/Dashing Through The Stars (Dodona, LabSat, STORK 1/2, SW1FT (Swiftvision), VZLUsat 2), IRIS A, Kepler 16.. 19, Laika (FOSSASat 2E4), Lemur-2 146..150 (Ramonamae/King-Julien/Rohovithsa (FOREST 1, OroraTech 1)/Miriwari/Djirang), MDASat 1a/1b/ 1c, NuX 1, SanoSat 1 (NepalP01), Sich 2-1 (Sich 2-30), SXRS 6 (Capella 7/8 (Whitney 5/6), Umbra 02), Tevel 1..8, USA 320..323 (Starshield Group 1 1..4), WISeSAT 1/2 (FOSSASat 2E1/2E2)) [B1058.10] 19 Jan 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F81 Starlink Group 4-6 v1.5 1..49 (3172/3173/3175.. 3177/3179/3180/3183..3185/3243/3253/3344/3350/ 3352/3354/3356..3366/3368..3370/3372..3375/ 3386..3400) [B1060.10] 31 Jan 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F82 CSG 2 [B1052.3] 3 Feb 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F84 Starlink Group 4-7 v1.5 1..49 (3152/3163..3167/ 3169/3170/3174/3178/3181/3182/3186..3189/3220.. 3224/3367/3376/3377/3384/3401..3420/3422/3423/ 3426/3427) [B1061.6] *10 Feb 22 Rocket 3.3 LV0008 VCLS Demo 2, ELaNa 41 (BAMA 1, INCA, QubeSat, R5-S1) [P135] 19 Feb 22 Antares 230+ F6 NG 17 (Cygnus CRS2 6, S.S. Piers Sellers), ELaNa 44 (NACHOS 1), IHI-Sat, KITSUNE 21 Feb 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F85 Starlink Group 4-8 v1.5 1..46 (3446..3452/3456 ..3460/3500..3502/3505..3507/3509/3511..3518/ 3520..3533/3535/3540/3543/3545/3546) [B1058.11] 25 Feb 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F86 Starlink Group 4-11 v1.5 1..50 (3544/3552/3557/ 3569/3573/3580/3581/3586/3592/3596/3599..3617/ 3619..3634/3637..3639/3641/3646) [B1063.4] 1 Mar 22 Atlas V541 (AV-095) GOES 18 (GOES T) 3 Mar 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F87 Starlink Group 4-9 v1.5 1..47 (3503/3504/3508/ 3519/3536/3539/3541/3542/3545/3547..3549/3551/ 3553..3556/3559/3560/3562/3563/3565..3568/3570 ..3572/3574..3579/3582..3585/3587/3588/3590/ 3591/3593..3595/3597/3598) [B1060.11] 9 Mar 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F88 Starlink Group 4-10 v1.5 1..48 (3538/3589/3618/ 3635/3636/3640/3642..3645/3647..3657/3659/3660/ 3663/3664/3666..3669/3671/3672/3674/3675/3677/ 3679..3681/3689..3692/3694..3697/3699/3700/ 3704) [B1052.4] 15 Mar 22 Rocket 3.3 LV0009 Spaceflight Astra 1 (S4 Crossover, Oresat 0, SpaceBEE 112..127, SpaceBEENZ 11..14) [P136] 19 Mar 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F89 Starlink Group 4-12 v1.5 1..53 (3534/3537/3558/ 3658/3661/3662/3665/3670/3673/3676/3678/3682/ 3684/3685/3687/3693/3698/3701..3703/3705..3723/ 3725..3727/3729..3738/3743) [B1051.12] 1 Apr 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F90 Transporter 4 (AlfaCrux, ARCSAT, BD-Sat (CZE-BDSAT), BRO 7, EnMAP, GNOMES 3, MP42, Sherpa-FX5 (Hawk 4A/4B/4C, ION SCV 005 Almighty Alexius/Spacelust (KSF 2A..2D (Polar Patrol Mission), PlantSat, SUCHAI 2/3, SUCHAI 3 Subsatellite 1/2), Lynk 05 (Lynk Tower 01)), SpaceBEE 127..138, ÑuSat 23..27 (Annie Maunder/ /Kalpana Chawla/Mária Telkes/Mary Somerville/ Sally Ride, NewSat 23..27), Shakuntala (Pixxel-TD 2), Spark 1 (Omnispace LEO 1, Omni L1), [Magokoro]) [B1061.7] 8 Apr 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F91 Ax 1 (Dragon 2, C206.3) [B1062.5] 21 Apr 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F93 Starlink Group 4-14 v1.5 1..53 (3561/3564/3686/ 3688/3724/3739/3740/3742/3744..3753/3755/3756/ 3758..3761/3764..3766/3768/3769/3771..3773/3775 ..3784/3786..3791/3795/3802/3804/3810/3822) [B1060.12] 27 Apr 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F94 SpaceX Crew 4 (Dragon 2 USCV 4, C212.1) [B1067.4] 29 Apr 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F95 Starlink Group 4-16 v1.5 1..53 (3508/3728/3754/ 3762/3767/3785/3792/3793/3796..3801/3803/3805.. 3808/3811/3812/3814..3821/3823/3824/3826/3827/ 3829..3831/3834/3837/3838/3841/3843/3847..3853/ 3874/3876/3877/3880/3889) [B1062.6] 6 May 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F96 Starlink Group 4-17 v1.5 1..53 (3813/3825/3828/ 3835/3839/3840/3842/3855..3857/3859..3866/3870 ..3873/3875/3878/3879/3881..3885/3887/3888/3890 /3892/3894/3896/3898..3900/3902..3905/3907.. 3909/3912..3914/3916/3918/3923/3925) [B1058.12] 13 May 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F97 Starlink Group 4-13 v1.5 1..53 (3757/3763/3770/ 3833/3836/3845/3858/3867/3869/3886/3893/3895/ 3897/3901/3906/3910/3911/3915/3917/3919/3920/ 3922/3924/3926/3927/3929..3933/3935/3937..3940/ 3942..3944/3948/3949/3951..3959/3964..3966/ 3969) [B1063.5] 14 May 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F98 Starlink Group 4-15 v1.5 1..53 (3741/3794/3832/ 3846/3854/3868/3891/3921/3928/3941/3947/3961/ 3963/3967/3968/3971/3973..3975/3977..3980/3982 ..3986/3988..3992/3994..3998/4000..4002/4008/ 4009/4011..4013/4015/4016/4019/4022/4024/4026/ 4027) [B1073.1] 18 May 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F99 Starlink Group 4-18 v1.5 1..53 (3774/3844/3934/ 3936/3945/3946/3960/3962/3970/3972/3976/3981/ 3987/3993/3999/4003..4007/4014/4017/4018/4020/ 4025/4028..4035/4037/4039/4041/4042/4044/4064/ 4067/4068/4070..4076/4078/4079/4081/4082/4084) [B1052.5] 19 May 22 Atlas VN22 (AV-082) Starliner OFT 2 (SC2-1/SM4) 25 May 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F100 Transporter 5 (Agile MicroSat (AMS), Broncosat 1, Centauri 5, CICERO-2 V1/V2 (Tyvak 0821), CNCE V4/V5, Connecta T1.1, CPOD A/B (PONSFD A/B, Tyvak 0032/0033), Foresail 1, GHGSat C3..C5 (Luca/Penny/Diako), Hawk 5A/5B/5C, ICEYE X17..X21, ION SCV 006 Thrilling Tho/Infinite Blue (Guardian 1, SBUDNIC, [Cryptosat, Gen 01]), Lemur-2 150..154 (Karen B/VanDenDries/ TennysonLily/Hancom 1 (Sejong 1)/Mimi1307), ÑuSat 28..31 (Alice Lee/Edith Clarke/Margherita Hack/Ruby Payne-Scott, NewSat 28..31), Planetum 1, PTD 3 (TBIRD, Tyvak 0125), Platform 1 (SharedSat 2141), Sherpa-AC1 [Huginn, TROOP 3], Spark 2, SPiN 1 (MA61C), Umbra 03, Urdaneta Armsat 1, Varisat 1C, Vigoride VR-3 (FOSSASat 2E7/2E8/2E9~/2E10~/2E11..2E13, SelfieSat, Veery FS-1 (Veery Hatchling v0.2 Orion)), [OMD 1]) [B1061.8] 8 Jun 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F101 Nilesat 301 [B1062.7] *12 Jun 22 Rocket 3.3 LV0010 TROPICS SV01/SV02 17 Jun 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F102 Starlink Group 4-19 v1.5 1..53 (3809/4010/4036/ 4043/4046/4048/4049/4065/4080/4083/4086/4089/ 4091/4092/4108/4112/4126/4139/4168/4181/4184/ 4186..4189/4191..4193/4195..4202/4204/4206.. 4214/4261/4266/4267/4270..4272/4274) [B1060.13] 18 Jun 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F103 SARah 1 [B1071.3] 19 Jun 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F104 Globalstar-2 FM15 (Globalstar M087), USA 328..331 [B1061.9] 29 Jun 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F105 SES 22 [B1073.2] 7 Jul 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F106 Starlink Group 4-21 v1.5 1..53 (4115/4119/4121/ 4137/4143/4151/4153/4155..4158/4160/4161/4167/ 4177/4183/4190/4194/4203/4215..4218/4253..4256/ 4259/4260/4262..4265/4269/4271/4275/4277/4279/ 4281..4291/4293/4295/4296/4301) [B1058.13] 11 Jul 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F107 Starlink Group 3-1 v1.5 1..46 (4251/4252/4305.. 4315/4317..4331/4333/4336..4339/4341..4350/4352 /4355/4362) [B1063.6] 15 Jul 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F108 SpX 25 (Dragon 2 CRS2 5, C208.3), BCDU, EMIT, ELaNa 45 (BeaverCube, CapSat 1, CLICK A, D3, JagSat 1), FUTABA, HSU-SAT 1, TUMnanoSAT [B1067.5] 17 Ju1 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F109 Starlink Group 4-22 v1.5 1..53 (3683/4021/4023/ 4038/4040/4045/4052/4054/4055/4063/4066/4077/ 4087/4088/4090/4093..4096/4098..4106/4110/4111/ 4114/4116/4117/4141/4145/4150/4152/4154/4170/ 4185/4205/4257/4258/4268/4273/4276/4278/4280/ 4292/4294/4298..4300) [B1051.13] 22 Jul 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F110 Starlink Group 3-2 v1.5 1..46 (4332/4335/4351/ 4353/4354/4356/4358/4359/4363..4373/4375..4377/ 4379/4381/4382/4384/4385/4391/4395/4397/4403.. 4405/4407..4411/4413/4414/4416/4417/4419/4423/ 4425/4427) [B1071.4] 24 Ju1 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F111 Starlink Group 4-25 v1.5 1..53 (3950/4047/4050/ 4051/4056..4062/4069/4085/4097/4107/4109/4113/ 4122/4124/4125/4127..4136/4140/4142/4144/4146.. 4149/4159/4162..4166/4169/4172..4176/4178..4180 /4182) [B1062.8] 4 Aug 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F112 Danuri (KPLO), Cubesat Impactor [B1052.6] 10 Aug 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F113 Starlink Group 4-26 v1.5 1..52 (4304/4476/4479 ..4481/4484/4490..4492/4496..4500/4507/4509/ 4510/4512/4515/4517/4519..4535/4537..4546/4548/ 4549/4552/4557/4558) [B1073.3] 12 Aug 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F114 Starlink Group 3-3 v1.5 1..46 (4302/4316/4340/ 4360/4361/4378/4383/4387/4389/4392..4394/4398.. 4402/4412/4415/4421/4426/4429..4437/4439/4441.. 4448/4450/4451/4453..4455/4461/4465) [B1061.10] 19 Aug 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F115 Starlink Group 4-27 v1.5 1..53 (4053/4118/4120/ 4123/4138/4297/4303/4474/4475/4477/4478/4482/ 4483/4485..4489/4493..4495/4501..4506/4508/4511 /4513/4514/4516/4518/4547/4550/4551/4553/4555/ 4556/4559/4561/4563..4565/4575..4577/4580.. 4585) [B1062.9] 28 Aug 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F116 Starlink Group 4-23 v1.5 1..54 (4396/4422/4554/ 4568/4573/4586..4588/4590..4606/4608..4610/4615 /4647/4648/4650/4653..4655/4658/4660/4665/4668/ 4671..4677/4681/4682/4684/4689..4693) [B1069.2] 31 Aug 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F117 Starlink Group 3-4 v1.5 1..46 (4334/4357/4374/ 4380/4386/4388/4390/4406/4418/4420/4424/4428/ 4438/4440/4449/4452/4456..4459/4463/4464/4466/ 4467/4469..4473/4560/4562/4566/4569..4572/4579/ 4617/4620..4622/4624..4626/4630/4632) [B1063.7] 5 Sep 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F118 Starlink Group 4-20 v1.5 1..51 (4574/4589/4607/ 4612..4614/4616/4618/4627/4636/4637/4640..4642/ 4644..4646/4651/4652/4656/4657/4661..4663/4667/ 4669/4670/4680/4683/4685/4686/4688/4694..4702/ 4704/4705/4707/4711/4714/4716/4717/4724/4725/ 4731), Sherpa-LTC2 (Varuna TDM) [B1052.7] 11 Sep 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F119 Starlink Group 4-2 v1.5 1..34 (4462/4536/4631/ 4638/4664/4666/4678/4679/4687/4706/4708..4710/ 4712/4715/4718..4723/4726..4730/4734/4736/4739/ 4742..4744/4763/4768), BlueWalker 3 [B1058.14] 19 Sep 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F120 Starlink Group 4-34 v1.5 1..54 (4649/4703/4713/ 4732/4737/4738/4740/4745..4762/4764/4766/4767/ 4769..4771/4773/4776..4781/4783..4785/4788.. 4790/4792..4795/4797..4800/4809/4810) [B1067.6] 24 Sep 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F121 Starlink Group 4-35 v1.5 1..52 (4765/4772/4775/ 4782/4787/4791/4796/5000..5005/5008..5012/5014/ 5015/5017/5018/5021..5025/5028/5029/5031/5032/ 5034..5037/5040..5046/5048/5050..5054/5056/5057 /5059/5063) [B1073.4] + 1 Oct 22 Alpha FLTA002 To The Black (VCLS Demo 2FB, PicoBus (FOSSASat 1B/2, GENESIS L/N, Qubik 1/2), Serenity F2, TechEdSat 15) 4 Oct 22 Atlas V531 (AV-099) SES 20, SES 21 5 Oct 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F122 SpaceX Crew 5 (Dragon 2, USCV 5, C210.2) [B1077.1] 5 Oct 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F123 Starlink Group 4-29 v1.5 1..52 (4468/4567/4578/ 4629/4633..4635/4639/5055/5075/5079/5088/5094/ 5096..5099/5103/5105/5108/5109/5112..5116/5118 ..5121/5123..5135/5137/5142/5145/5147..5149/ 5156/5157/5159) [B1071.5] 8 Oct 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F124 Intelsat G-33/G-34 (Galaxy 33/34, Galaxy 15R/12R) [B1060.14] 15 Oct 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F125 Eutelsat Hotbird 13F [B1069.3] 20 Oct 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F126 Starlink Group 4-36 v1.5 1..54 (5138/5143/5144/ 5146/5151/5153/5158/5160/5163/5165..5179/5181/ 5183..5185/5187..5190/5192/5193/5195/5197/5198/ 5200/5201/5203/5204/5209..5213/5216/5217/5219/ 5221..5223/5225/5226) [B1062.10] 28 Oct 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F127 Starlink Group 4-31 v1.5 1..53 (4619/5117/5122/ 5154/5155/5161/5162/5164/5182/5186/5194/5199/ 5205/5227..5229/5231/5233..5235/5237..5250/5255 /5256/5258/5259/5262..5264/5268/5269/5271/5273/ 5278..5282/5290/5294/5297) [B1063.8] 3 Nov 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F128 Eutelsat Hotbird 13G [B1067.7] 7 Nov 22 Antares 230+ F7 NG 18 (Cygnus CRS2 7, S.S. Sally Ride), BIRDS 5 (PearlAfricaSat 1, TAKA, ZIMSAT 1), SpaceTuna 1 10 Nov 22 Atlas V401 (AV-098) JPSS 2 (NOAA 21), LOFTID 12 Nov 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F129 Galaxy 31/32 (Galaxy 23R/17R) [B1051.14-] 16 Nov 22 SLS Block I F1 Artemis I (EM-1, Orion 2 (ESM-001/CM-002) Lunar DRO), ArgoMoon, BioSentinal, CuSP, EQUULEUS, LunaH-Map (SIMPLEx 1), Lunar IceCube, LunIR (SkyFire), NEA Scout, OMOTENASHI, Team Miles 23 Nov 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F130 Eutelsat 10B [B1049.11-] 26 Nov 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F131 SpX 26 (Dragon 2 CRS2 6, C211.1), iROSA 3/4, (3A/4A), DANTESat, ELaNa 49 (MARIO, PETITSat, SPORT, TJREVERB), HSKSAT, LORIS (DUCS), NutSat, Optimal 1, ORCASat, SS 1 (Surya Satellite 1) [B1076.1] 8 Dec 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F132 OneWeb L15 1..40 (SpX 1, 0527/0528/0539/0540/ 0542/0545/0580/0582..0587/0589..0597/0600..0608 /0610..0612/0615/0655/0659/0685/0712/0714) [B1069.4] 11 Dec 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F133 iSpace Mission 1 (Hakuto-R Mission 1, Rashid 1, SORA-Q), Lunar Flashlight [B1073.5] 16 Dec 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F134 SWOT [B1071.6] 16 Dec 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F135 O3b mPOWER 1/2 [B1067.8] 17 Dec 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F136 Starlink Group 4-37 v1.5 1..54 (5191/5202/5214/ 5215/5220/5392/5399/5404/5408/5410/5412..5415/ 5417/5420..5422/5424..5426/5428..5431/5433/5435 ..5454/5458/5464..5466/5468/5470..5472) [B1058.15] 28 Dec 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F137 Starlink Group 5-1 v1.5 1..54 (4643/4659/4801/ 5061/5078/5082/5084/5086/5087/5091/5101/5106/ 5107/5110/5304/5359/5360/5368/5369/5372/5379.. 5391/5393..5398/5400..5403/5405..5407/5409/5411 /5416/5418/5419/5427/5432/5434) [B1062.11] 30 Dec 22 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F138 EROS C3 N1 [B1061.11] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Launch failure/Booster recovery failure + Partial failure - Booster expended AC Attitude Control ARCSAT Arctic Region Communications Small Satellite AMSAT Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation Ax Axiom BCDU Battery Charge/Discharge Unit BRO Breizh Reconnaissance Orbiter CapSat Capacitor Satellite CICERO Community Initiative for Cellular Earth Remote Observation CLICK CubeSat Laser Infrared Crosslink CM Command Module CNCE CubeSat Networked Communications Experiment COSMO Constellation of Small Satellites for the Mediterranean Basin Observation CPOD Cubesat Proximity Operations Demonstration CRS Commercial Resupply Services CSG COSMO-SkyMed Second Generation CuSP CubeSat to study Solar Particles D3 Drag De-orbit Device DEWA-Sat Dubai Electricity and Water Authority Satellite DRO Distant Retrograde Orbit DUCS Dalhousie University CubeSat EASAT AMSAT Spain Satellite ELaNa Educational Launch of Nanosatellite EM Exploration Mission EMIT Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation EnMAP Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program EQUULEUS Equilibrium Lunar-Earth Point 6U Spacecraft EROS Earth Resources Observation Systems ESM European Service Module FM Flight Model FOREST Forrest Observation and Recognition Experimental Smallsat Thermal Detector FOSSASat Free Open Source and Aerospace Satellite FX Free Flying Satellite Deployer GHGSat Greenhouse Gas Satellite GNOMES GNSS Navigation and Occultation Measurement Satellites GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System GOES Geostationary Operational Enviromental Satellite HSKSAT Haradaseiki Satellite HSU-SAT Happy Science University Satellite HYPSO Hyperspectral Satellite for Ocean Observation IHI-Sat Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Satellite INCA Ionospheric Neutron Content Analyzer ION SCV In Orbit Now Satellite Carrier Vehicle IRIS Intelligent Remote Sensing and Internet Satellite iROSA ISS Roll Out Solar Array JagSat Jaguar Satellite JPSS Joint Polar Satellite System KITSUNE Kyutech Standardised Bus, Imaging Technology System, Utilization of Networking and Electron Content Measurements KPLO Korean Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter KSF Kleos Space Flight LEO Low Earth Orbit LOFTID Low Earth Orbit Flight Test of an Inflatable Decelerator LORIS Low Orbit Reconnaissance and Imagery Satellite LunaH-Map Lunar Polar Hydrogen Mapper LunIR Lunar Infrared Imaging LV Launch Vehicle MA61C Multipurpose Adapter Generic Interface Connector MARIO Measurement of Actuator Response In Orbit MDASat Maritime Domain Awareness Satellite NACHOS Nano Satellite Atmospheric Chemistry Hyperspectral Observation System NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration NEA Near Earth Asteroid NG Northrop Grumman NOAA National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration O3b Other Three Billion OFT Orbital Test Flight OMD Outpost Mars Demonstration OMOTENASHI Outstanding Moon Exploration Technologies Demonstrated by Nano Semi-Hard Impactor ORCASat Optical Reference Calibration Satellite OSCAR Orbiting Satellite Carrying Amateur Radio PETITSat Plasma Enhancement in the Ionosphere-Thermosphere Satellite PONSFD Proximity Operations Nano-Satellite Flight Demonstration PTD Pathfinder Technology Demonstrator SARah Synthetic Aperture Radar SBUDNIC Satellite Brown University D-Orbit NASA Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche d'Italia SES Société Européenne des Satellites SIMPLEx Small Innovative Missions for Planetary Exploration SORA-Q Sky Sphere SpaceBEENZ SpaceBEE New Zealand SPiN Space Products and Innovation SPORT Scintillation Prediction Observations Research Task SpX Space Exploration Technologies SUCHAI Satellite of the University of Chile for Aerospace Investigation SWOT Surface Water and Ocean Topography SXRS SpaceX Ride Share TBIRD Terabyte Infrared Delivery TDM Technology Demonstration Mission TJREVERB Thomas Jefferson Research and Education Vehicle for Evaluating Radio Broadcasts TROOP Train Rapid On Orbit Payload TROPICS Time Resolved Observations of Precipitation Structure and Storm Intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats TUMnanoSAT Technical University of Moldova Nano Satellite USA United States of America USCV United States Crew Vehicle VCLS Venture Class Launch Services VZLUsat Czech Aerospace Research Centre Satellite UNITED STATES COMMERCIAL ELV LAUNCH RECORD (2023) Date Launch Vehicle Payload -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Jan 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F139 Transporter 6 (Albania 1/2 (ÑuSat 32/33, NewSat 32/33), BDSAT 2, Birkeland, Blackjack 1..4, BRO 8, Chimera LEO 1, Connecta T1.2, EOS Agrisat 1 (EOS SAT 1), EYE 1 (Star Sphere 1, Sony Sphere 1), Flock 4y 1..362415/24a1/242e/24b0/24b4/ 24af/2417/24ab/24a8/24c3/24a7/24cf/24c7/24b5/ 24b3/24c9/24c2/24ce/24a9/24ca/24ba/24c1/24bc/ 24b9/24b2/24c4/24c8/24b1/24bb/24c0/24be/24b6/ 24bf/24cc/24c5/24d0), Gama Alpha, Guardian Alpha, Huygens, ICEYE X21/X22~/X27, KSF 3A..3D (Observer Mission), KuwaitSat 1, Lemur-2 157.. 162 (Disclaimer (L3C 2)/Emmaculate (L3C 1)/ Fuentetaja 01 (AIS 2)/Mmolo (GNSS 3)/Philari (Incubed Pro)/SteveAlbers (AIS 1)), Lynk Tower 03/04 (Juana Azurduy/Simon Bolivar), Menut, MilSpace2 (2), NSLSat 2, ÑuSat 34/35 (Amelia Earhart/Williamina Fleming, NewSat 34/35), Orbiter SN1 (Alba Cluster 7A (Unicorn 2G/2H)~, MDQSAT 1A1/1A2~, PROVES Yearling~, Sapling 1 (Sapling Sempervirens)~, Skyline Celestial~, Spacemind~, [Nightingale, Mevo, NG1-LASR, SAVER, Shooting Star]), PACE 2, PolyItan HP-30 (PolyItan from Kiev, QBUA01), PredaSAR 1, Pushan Alpha, EWS-RROCI~, Second Star To The Right (ION SCV 007 Glorious Gratia, ION SCV 008 Fierce Franciscus (Astrocast 0401/0402/0403/ 0404, Futura SM1/SM3, SharjaSat 1, TAUSat 2), Kelpie 1 (AAC-AIS-SAT 1), [Cryptosat 2, DRAGO 2, Generigo 2, unknown]), Skykraft Deployer 1, Skykraft 1A..1D, Platform 2 (SharedSat 2211), SpaceBEE 156..167, Star Vibe, Sternula 1, Umbra 04/05, Vigoride VR-5 (Zeus 1, [SSPD 1]), YAM 5) [B1060.15] 10 Jan 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F140 OneWeb L16 1..40 (SpX 2, 0532/0533/0541/0543/ 0544/0560/0565/0567/0569..0573/0588/0598/0599/ 0614/0616..0629/0631/0709..0711/0713/0715..0717 /0719) [B1076.2] *10 Jan 23 RS1 Blk1 SN01 DEMO 1 (VariSat 1A/1B) [P139A] 19 Jan 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F142 Starlink Group 2-4 v1.5 1..51 (4623/5180/5196/ 5236/5257/5260/5261/5265/5266/5270/5272/5277/ 5284..5289/5291..5293/5295/5296/5298/5299/5301/ 5305/5306/5308..5313/5315..5323/5325/5327/5330 ..5332/5337/5338/5341) [B1075.1] 24 Jan 23 Electron/KS F29 Virginia is for Launch Lovers (Hawk 6A..6C (HawkEye Cluster 6, HawkEye 360 Group 1)) 26 Jan 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F143 Starlink Group 5-2 v1.5 1..56 (5027/5083/5491.. 5493/5531/5537/5547/5555/5556/5567..5569/5571/ 5572/5574..5576/5578/5581/5586/5588/5590/5608/ 5609/5622/5625/5627/5631/5635/5639/5641/5644/ 5647..5649/5651..5655/5657..5668/5670/5671/ 5675) [B1067.9] 31 Jan 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F144 Starlink Group 2-6 v1.5 1..49 (4786/5006/5019/ 5030/5033/5047/5060/5064/5066/5068/5071/5073/ 5074/5076/5077/5080/5085/5092/5224/5230/5274.. 5276/5283/5570/5597/5598/5604/5605/5607/5615/ 5616/5618/5620/5621/5623/5624/5626/5629/5630/ 5632..5634/5637/5638/5640/5642/5643/5645), SCV009 Eclectic Elena/Starfield (EBAD/PRR-8 Satellite Simulator, [ADEO-N3, Bunny, SD 1]) [B1071.7] 2 Feb 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F145 Starlink Group 5-3 v1.5 1..53 (5013/5020/5058/ 5100/5139/5141/5344/5362..5367/5371/5373/5596/ 5628/5636/5646/5650/5656/5669/5672..5674/5676.. 5696/5699/5701/5704..5706/5708/5711) [B1069.5] 7 Feb 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F146 Amazonas Nexus (Greensat, Pathfinder 2, Intelsat 46) [B1073.6] 12 Feb 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F147 Starlink Group 5-4 v1.5 1..55 (5697/5698/5700/ 5702/5703/5709/5710/5712..5715/5717..5723/5725 ..5730/5732/5734..5745/5747..5757/5759..5762/ 5764/5767/5769) [B1062.12] 17 Feb 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F148 Starlink Group 2-5 v1.5 1..51 (5062/5065/5067/ 5069/5070/5102/5104/5218/5232/5267/5300/5303/ 5307/5314/5324/5326/5328/5423/5455..5457/5459.. 5463/5467/5469/5473..5475/5477..5480/5483/5484/ 5487/5494/5495/5497/5498/5500..5502/5506..5508/ 5510/5546/5558) [B1063.9] 18 Feb 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F149 Inmarsat-6 F2 (GX 6B) [B1077.3] 27 Feb 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F150 Starlink Group 6-1 v2m 1..21 (30037/30038/30040 /30042/30044/30046..30048/30050/30051/30054/ 30055/30057..30065) [B1076.3] 2 Mar 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F151 SpaceX Crew 6 (Dragon 2, USCV 6, C206.4) [B1078.1] 3 Mar 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F152 Starlink Group 2-7 v1.5 1..51 (5072/5081/5499/ 5532/5539/5544/5557/5560/5565/5573/5577/5579/ 5580/5583/5584/5591..5595/5599/5601..5603/5606/ 5611..5614/5617/5619/5797/5804/5807/5809..5820/ 5823/5825/5826/5833/5835) [B1061.12] 9 Mar 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F153 OneWeb L17 1..40 (SpX 3, 0530/0534/0556/0562/ 0563/0564/0638..0646/0648..0650/0652..0654/0656 ..0658/0660..0667/0669..0675/0720) [B1062.13] 15 Mar 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F154 SpX 27 (Dragon 2 CRS2 7, C209.3), AuroraSAT, ELaNa 50 (ARKSat 1, LightCubeSat), Ex-Alta 2, FARGO, NEUDOSE, STP-H9, YukonSat [B1073.7] 16 Mar 23 Electron/KS F30 Stronger Together (Capella 9/10 (Whitney 7/8)) 17 Mar 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F155 Starlink Group 2-8 v1.5 1..52 (5796/5848/5849/ 5851/5852/5854..5857/5859/5861..5864/5867/5871/ 5878/5882..5884/5889/5892..5900/5906/5908/5909/ 5911/5913/5914/5917..5922/5924..5930/5932/5933/ 5938) [B1071.8] 17 Mar 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F156 SES 18, SES 19 [B1069.6] *23 Mar 23 Terran 1 F1 Good Luck, Have Fun (GLHF Wheel) 24 Mar 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F157 Starlink Group 5-5 v1.5 1..56 (5758/5766/5770.. 5772/5774/5777/5779/5781..5787/5789/5790/5792.. 5795/5798..5801/5803/5806/5901..5905/5907/5910/ 5912/5915/5916/5934/5936/5939..5949/5956/5957/ 5962/5964/5968/5969) [B1067.10] 29 Mar 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F158 Starlink Group 5-10 v1.5 1..56 (4774/5016/5089/ 5090/5111/5140/5370/5374..5378/5489/5563/5564/ 5566/6030/6062/6066/6071/6075..6084/6088..6096/ 6101..6105/6107/6109/6113..6115/6117/6119..6122 /6124/6126) [B1077.4] 7 Apr 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F160 Intelsat 40e (TEMPO, EVI-01) [B1076.4] 15 Apr 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F161 Transporter 7 (BRO 9, CIRBE (ELaNa 47), Connecta T2.1, DEWASat 2, ELO 3, FACSAT 2 (Chibiriquete), GHGSat C6..C8 (Mey-Lin/Gaspard/ Océane), GHOSt 1/2, Hawk 7A..7C (HawkEye Cluster 7), Imece, InspireSat 7, ION SCV 010 Masterful Matthaeus (EPICHyper 1 (Wyvern 1, Dragonette 001), Kepler 20/21, VCUB1), It's About Time (DemoSat), Kilicsat, Lemur-2 163.. 165 (SpaceGus (ADLER 2, FindusAdler 2)/ OnReflection (KAUST)/Romeo-N-LEO (GNSS 4)), LS2f, NorSat-TD, Ñusat 36..39 (Annie Jump Cannon/Joan Clarke/Maria Gaetana Agnesi/Tikvah Alper, NewSat 36..39), OrbAstro AF 1 (Brokkr 1), PROVES Yearling 2 (Pleiades Yearling 2.0), RoseyCubeSat 1, Sapling Giganteum, Sateliot_0 (SharedSat 4, Platform 3, The Groundbreaker, 2B5GSAT), SSS 2B, Taifa 1, Tomorrow R1, Umbra 06, Vigoride VR-6 (DISCO I, IRIS C, LLITED A/B (ELaNa 40), Revela, VIREO), [TASSA, Celestis 23 Excelsior]) [B1063.10] 19 Apr 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F162 Starlink Group 6-2 v2m 1..21 (30049/30083/30086 /30089/30090/30094..30099/30101/30103/30104/ 30106..30109/30111..30113) [B1073.8] *20 Apr 23 Starship F1 OFT 1 [B7/S24] 27 Apr 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F163 Starlink Group 3-5 v1.5 1..46 (5093/5482/5533/ 5535/5538/5540/5543/5548..5554/5559/5561/5562/ 5829/5837/5874/5876/5877/5885..5888/5891/5954/ 5955/5967/5972/5974/5976/5979..5981/5984/5988/ 5991/5992/5997/6033..6035/6038/6039) [B1061.13] 28 Apr 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F164 O3b mPOWER 3/4 [B1078.2] 30 Apr 23 Falcon Heavy B5 F5 ViaSat 3.1 Americas, Aurora 4A (Arcturus), G-Space 1 (Nusantara H1-A) [B1052.8-/B1068.1-/ B1053.3-] 4 May 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F165 Starlink Group 5-6 v1.5 1..56 (5136/5350/5352/ 5356/5724/5836/6145/6153/6156..6161/6166/6173/ 6176/6178/6188/6189/6191/6224/6236/6238/6239/ 6241/6242/6256/6258/6260/6261/6264/6267..6273/ 6277..6279/6281..6285/6287..6289/6298/6300.. 6303/6305) [B1069.7] 10 May 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F166 Starlink Group 2-9 v1.5 1..51 (5038/5486/5518/ 5521..5524/5526/5527/5529/5530/5534/5541/5545/ 5841/5842/5846/5868/5873/5923/5935/5959/5970/ 5985..5987/5990/5993..5995/5998/6037/6041/6043 ..6045/6047/6048/6050/6051/6053..6055/6196/6201 /6204/6210/6214/6220..6222) [B1075.3] 14 May 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F167 Starlink Group 5-9 v1.5 1..56 (5302/5329/5333.. 5335/5339/5340/5342/5343/5345/5346/5348/5349/ 5351/5716/5763/5775/5802/6074/6086/6135/6136/ 6187/6199/6226/6228/6244/6249/6252/6255/6263/ 6265/6266/6280/6286/6291/6295/6307..6314/6317.. 6319/6323/6327..6329/6333/6335/6337/6344) [B1067.11] 19 May 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F168 Starlink Group 6-3 v2m 1..22 (30036/30053/30066 ..30068/30070/30071/30079/30080/30085/30087/ 30117/30118/30121/30122/30124..30127/30129/ 30130/30132) [B1076.5] 20 May 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F169 Iridium 9 (Iridium-NEXT 174/177..179/SV181), OneWeb L19 1..16 (0561/0668/0676..0684/0686/ 0694/0696/0703/0721(JoeySat)) [B1063.11] 21 May 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F170 Ax 2 (Dragon 2, C212.2) [B1080.1] 27 May 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F171 Badr 8 (ArabSat 7B) [B1062.14] 31 May 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F172 Starlink Group 2-10 v1.5 1..52 (5582/5931/5953/ 5963/5977/5978/5982/5989/6028/6029/6031/6036/ 6040/6042/6046/6049/6052/6056..6061/6063..6065/ 6067..6070/6072/6073/6087/6190/6197/6198/6231/ 6274/6275/6292/6296/6304/6325/6326/6336/6339/ 6341/6342/6345/6352/6354/6357) [B1061.14] 4 Jun 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F173 Starlink Group 6-4 v2m 1..22 (30069/30073/30076 /30078/30084/30114/30119/30120/30123/30128/ 30131/30133..30137/30139/30142..30144/30151/ 30152) [B1078.3] 5 Jun 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F174 SpX 28 (Dragon 2 CRS2 8, C208.4), iROSA 5/6 (1A/1B), ESSENCE, Iris, Maya 5/6, Moonlighter, SC-ODIN, RADSAT-SK, Ukpik 1 [B1077.5] 12 Jun 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F175 Starlink Group 5-11 v1.5 1..52 (5095/5496/5515/ 5528/5707/5731/5733/5746/5805/5808/5853/5937/ 5950..5952/5958/5960/5961/5965/5966/5971/5973/ 5999/6098/6110/6116/6144/6169/6171/6175/6177/ 6179..6183/6185/6186/6192/6193/6195/6200/6202/ 6203/6205..6209/6213/6216/6219) [B1073.9] 12 Jun 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F176 Transporter 8 (AFR 1, AII-Delta, Ayris 1/2, Barry 1, Blackjack Aces 1..4, DROID.001, EIVE, FOSSASat FEROX 1..4, GEISAT Precursor, GHOSt 3, Grégoire, HotSat 1, ICEYE X23/X25/X26/X30, ION SCV 011 Savvy Simon (Alba Cluster 7 (Istanbul 1, MRC 100, ROM 2 (Space Sparrow), SATLLA 2I, Unicorn 2I, URESAT 1 (HADES B, Antonio de Nebrija, Spain OSCAR 120)), ELO 4, EPICHyper 2 (Dragonette 002), Kelpie 2, Outpost Mission 1, Spei Satelles (SpeiSat, Guardian of Hope), [NaviLEOTM, ODIN DU1, UKRI SWIMMR 1]), Lemur-2 166..168 (Aadam-Aliyah/EmbrioNovis (FOREST 2)/ Naziyah), MuSat 1, ÑuSat 40..43 (Carolyn Shoemaker/Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin/María Wonenburger/Rose Dieng-Kuntz, NewSat 40..43), Orbiter SN3 (MDQSAT 1C/1D, Otter Pup 1, [Nightingale 1, Remora, TRL11 SN3 Demo]), OroraTech 2, QPS-SAR 6 (Amateru III), Rogue Orbots, Outpost Mission 0 (Failure is an Option), PlatziSat 1, Pleiades Squared, Runner 1 (FASat Delta), Satellive Vu 1, Skykraft Deployer 3, Skykraft 3A..3D [CyanoSat 1.0], SpaceBEE 168..179, STP-CR2301 (MISR A/B, XVI (Link 16)), Tiger 4, Tomorrow R2, Winnebago 1 (Rideshare Mission 3, W-Series 1) [B1071.9] 18 Jun 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F177 Satria (Nusantara Tiga, Nusantara 3, PSN MFS) [B1067.12] 22 Jun 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F178 Starlink Group 5-7 v1.5 1..47 (5536/5542/5773/ 5821/5822/5824/5827/5828/5830/5832/5834/5838/ 5839/5843..5845/5847/5850/5860/5865/5869/5881/ 6155/6184/6194/6211/6217/6223/6225/6227/6229/ 6232/6235/6237/6240/6243/6245..6248/6251/6253/ 6254/6257/6259/6262/6353) [B1075.4] 23 Jun 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F179 Starlink Group 5-12 v1.5 1..56 (5150/5336/5347/ 5354/5355/5357/5358/5361/5765/5768/5776/5778/ 5780/5788/5791/5879/6085/6097/6099/6100/6106/ 6108/6111/6112/6118/6123/6125/6127..6134/6137/ 6139..6143/6146..6152/6154/6162..6165/6167/6170 /6172) [B1069.8] 1 Jul 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F180 Euclid (M2) [B1080.2] 7 Jul 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F181 Starlink Group 5-13 v1.5 1..48 (5026/5039/5049/ 5476/5481/5485/5488/5490/5503..5505/5509/5511.. 5514/5516/5517/5519/5520/5525/5587/5610/5840/ 5858/5866/5870/5872/5875/5880/5890/5983/5996/ 6230/6233/6250/6294/6306/6315/6330/6334/6346/ 6349..6351/6360/6365/6368) [B1063.12] 10 Jul 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F182 Starlink Group 6-5 v2m 1..22 (30163/30175/30177 /30184/30194/30198..30202/30206/30209..30211/ 30232..30236/30238/30239/30241) [B1058.16] 16 Jul 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F183 Starlink Group 5-15 v1.5 1..54 (5007/5353/5585/ 5589/5600/5831/5975/6032/6138/6168/6174/6212/ 6215/6218/6234/6276/6290/6293/6297/6299/6316/ 6320..6322/6324/6331/6332/6338/6340/6343/6347/ 6348/6355/6356/6358/6359/6361..6364/6366/6367/ 6369..6380) [B1060.16] 20 Jul 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F184 Starlink Group 6-15 v2m 1..15 (30043/30172/ 30182/30191..30193/30195/30205/30207/30208/ 30214/30221/30222/30224/30240) [B1071.10] 24 Jul 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F185 Starlink Group 6-6 v2m 1..22 (30102/30105/30146 /30158..30160/30162/30170/30173/30178/30180/ 30181/30183/30188/30189/30196/30197/30215.. 30217/30225/30237) [B1076.6] 28 Jul 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F186 Starlink Group 6-7 v2m 1..22 (30039/30077/30088 /30091/30092/30110/30115/30116/30140/30155/ 30156/30161/30165/30167/30171/30176/30185.. 30187/30190/30204/30229) [B1062.15] 29 Jul 23 Falcon Heavy B5 F6 EchoStar 24 (Jupiter 3) [B1064.3/B1074.1-/ B1065.3] 2 Aug 23 Antares 230+ F8 NG 19 (Cygnus CRS2 8, S.S. Laurel Clark) 3 Aug 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F187 Galaxy 37 (Galaxy 13R, Intelsat 37, Horizons 4) [B1077.6] 7 Aug 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F188 Starlink Group 6-8 v2m 1..22 (30072/30074/30081 /30082/30145/30147/30149/30153/30154/30157/ 30164/30168/30169/30203/30212/30213/30219/30226 ..30228/30230/30231) [B1078.4] 8 Aug 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F189 Starlink Group 6-20 v2m 1..15 (30250/30251/ 30253/30254/30256/30257/30259..30262/30264/ 30266/30268..30270) [B1075.5] 11 Aug 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F190 Starlink Group 6-9 v2m 1..22 (30041/30052/30056 /30075/30100/30138/30141/30148/30150/30166/ 30174/30218/30220/30223/30244..30246/30248/ 30249/30252/30255/30258) [B1069.9] 17 Aug 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F191 Starlink Group 6-10 v2m 1..22 (30243/30247/ 30263/30265/30276/30277/30280/30286/30289/30293 /30294/30299/30306/30309/30311/30312/30323/ 30324/30326/30328..30330) [B1067.13] 22 Aug 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F192 Starlink Group 7-1 v2m 1..21 (30267/30271/30273 ..30275/30278/30283/30295..30298/30301..30303/ 30313/30314/30316/30317/30320..30322) [B1061.15] 26 Aug 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F193 SpaceX Crew 7 (Dragon 2, USCV 7, C210.3) [B1081.1] 27 Aug 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F194 Starlink Group 6-11 v2m 1..22 (30281/30287/ 30288/30300/30315/30318/30325/30327/30332.. 30338/30341/30342/30345..30349) [B1080.3] 1 Sep 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F195 Starlink Group 6-13 v2m 1..22 (30242/30307/ 30308/30310/30331/30343/30344/30350..30352/ 30356/30357/30361..30366/30368/30370/30371/ 30375) [B1077.7] 4 Sep 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F197 Starlink Group 6-12 v2m 1..21 (30305/30354/ 30355/30359/30360/30367/30369/30372/30373/30376 /30378/30380..30385/30387..30389/30397) [B1073.10] 9 Sep 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F198 Starlink Group 6-14 v2m 1..22 (30304/30374/ 30377/30379/30386/30390/30391/30394/30395/30398 /30401..30403/30407..30409/30411/30413/30415/ 30417/30418/30422) [B1076.7] 12 Sep 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F199 Starlink Group 7-2 v2m 1..21 (30272/30285/30290 ..30292/30392/30404/30405/30410/30412/30414/ 30416/30419/30420/30423..30426/30430/30431/ 30435) [B1071.11] 16 Sep 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F200 Starlink Group 6-16 v2m 1..22 (30279/30282/ 30284/30339/30340/30358/30393/30406/30427/30429 /30432..30434/30436/30439/30441/30442/30444.. 30447/30460) [B1078.5] 20 Sep 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F201 Starlink Group 6-17 v2m 1..22 (30428/30443/ 30449/30451/30453/30457/30462..30467/30469/ 30470/30472..30474/30477..30479/30481/30482) [B1058.17] 24 Sep 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F202 Starlink Group 6-18 v2m 1..22 (30440/30448/ 30450/30452/30454/30458/30459/30461/30468/30471 /30475/30476/30483/30485/30487/30488/30490.. 30492/30496/30499/30501) [B1060.17] 25 Sep 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F203 Starlink Group 7-3 v2m 1..21 (30399/30400/30455 /30456/30700..30716) [B1075.6] 30 Sep 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F204 Starlink Group 6-19 v2m 1..22 (30396/30484/ 30489/30494/30495/30498/30502..30505/30507.. 30512/30515/30516/30519/30521/30524/30528) [B1069.10] 5 Oct 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F205 Starlink Group 6-21 v2m 1..22 (30486/30497/ 30517/30520/30522/30523/30525..30527/30530/ 30531/30534..30540/30543/30545/30546/30552) [B1076.8] 6 Oct 23 Atlas V501 (AV-104) Project Kuiper Protoflight (KuiperSat 1/2) 9 Oct 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F206 Starlink Group 7-4 v2m 1..21 (30437/30438/30514 /30518/30529/30533/30542/30547..30550/30554.. 30556/30559..30565) [B1063.14] 13 Oct 23 Falcon Heavy B5 F7 Psyche (Discovery 14) [B1064.4/B1079.1-/ B1065.4] 13 Oct 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F207 Starlink Group 6-22 v2m 1..22 (30480/30506/ 30513/30532/30541/30544/30553/30558/30566.. 30569/30571/30573/30575..30577/30579/30582/ 30585/30587/30588) [B1067.14] 18 Oct 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F208 Starlink Group 6-23 v2m 1..22 (30500/30551/ 30557/30570/30574/30578/30581/30583/30584/30586 /30590/30591/30597/30598/30602..30604/30608.. 30610/30613/30615) [B1062.16] 21 Oct 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F209 Starlink Group 7-5 v2m 1..21 (30353/30421/30493 /30572/30580/30589/30592..30596/30600/30601/ 30605..30607/30611/30612/30614/30616/30617) [B1061.16] 22 Oct 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F210 Starlink Group 6-24 v2m 1..23 (30754/30756.. 30759/30761/30765..30770/30772/30775/30776/ 30780..30783/30787/30790/30795/30799) [B1080.4] 29 Oct 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F211 Starlink Group 7-6 v2m 1..22 (30752/30763/30764 /30771/30773/30779/30784/30788/30789/30797/ 30802..30804/30811/30812/30814..30816/30829/ 30831/30833/30834) [B1075.7] 30 Oct 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F212 Starlink Group 6-25 v2m 1..23 (30753/30755/ 30760/30762/30778/30785/30791/30793/30796/30798 /30801/30806/30807/30809/30810/30819..30822/ 30824/30826/30827/30830) [B1077.8] 4 Nov 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F213 Starlink Group 6-26 v2m 1..23 (30786/30792/ 30794/30800/30805/30813/30818/30835..30841/ 30845/30846/30851/30855/30865/30871/30872/30874 /30875) [B1058.18] 8 Nov 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F214 Starlink Group 6-27 v2m 1..23 (30777/30808/ 30817/30823/30843/30847..30850/30853/30854/ 30860/30861/30864/30866/30867/30873/30877/30879 ..30881/30883/30886) [B1073.11] 10 Nov 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F215 SpX 29 (Dragon 2 CRS2 9, C211.2), AWE, ILLUMA-T, BEAK, ClarkSat 1 [B1081.2] 11 Nov 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F216 Transporter 9 (AEther 1/2, Aman 1 (STORK 7)~, Barry 1 (B1B2, IVO Quantum Drive), BRO 10/11, Connecta T3.1/T3.2, Djibouti 1A, Falconsat X, Flock 4q 1..36 (Dove 24D7/24BD/24E4/24D1/24E2/ 24F1/24DF/24E8/24EB/24FC/24EE/24F8/24F3/24E6/ 24E0/24E5/24AA/24AD/24CD/24CB/24B7/24ED/24D3/ 24D2/24E1/24F5/24FD/24F6/24FB/24F4/24F2/24D6/ 24D5/24F9/24DD/24C6), GENMAT 1, GHGSat C9..C11 (Lemur-2 Bass (Juba)/MJR092620 (Vanguard)/ JK0903EM1407 (Elliot)), Hello Test 1/2, Heron Mk.II, ICEYE X31/X32/X34/X35, Mira 1 (Impulse 1, LEO Express 1, Time We'll Tell), ION SCV 013 Ultimate Hugo/Cosmic Wander (Alba Cluster 8 (Hydra 1 (HADES D, Spain OSCAR 121), ROM 3, SpaceANT-D, Tartan Artibeus 2, Unicorn 2J/2K), Crypto 3, EPICHyper 3, Intuition 1, Lemur-2 182 Nanaz, OSW Cazorla (Blue Marble Synthesizer), PiCo 1A-1..9, Ymir 1, [Antelope, Gen 03, Radiosat & Beamasat, SD 2]), IRIS C2, JinjuSat 1~, KAFASAT, Lemur-2 175..181 (Vindlér 1..4 (Dilightful/Good-Vibes/Sanita-Vetra/ The-Cleaner?)/Ella 1 (Marapamasm?)/Mango 2A/Mango 2B), MANTIS, NinjaSat, Observer 1A, OMNI-LER1, OrbAstro PC1 (ORB 6 Digantara)/TR1, Outpost Mission 2, PEARL 1C/1H, Pelican 3001, Picacho (Gossamer Vendelinus)~, Platero, Platform 5, Protométhée 1, SpaceVan 001 (EXO 0/1, MP42 2), SPIP, Tiger 5/6, Umbra 07/08, Veronika [B1071.12] 12 Nov 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F217 O3b mPOWER 5/6 [B1076.9] 18 Nov 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F218 Starlink Group 6-28 v2m 1..23 (30832/30842/ 30852/30858/30859/30870/30878/30884/30885/30888 ..30892/30896/30897/30901/30903..30905/30907/ 30909/30918) [B1069.11] *18 Nov 23 Starship F2 OFT 2 [B9/S25] 20 Nov 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F219 Starlink Group 7-7 v2m 1..22 (30825/30868/30882 /30887/30894/30898/30910/30911/30913..30916/ 30920/30921/30923/30927/30929/30930/30934/30937 ..30939) [B1063.15] 22 Nov 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F220 Starlink Group 6-29 v2m 1..23 (30844/30876/ 30895/30899/30900/30902/30906/30908/30912/30917 /30919/30922/30924/30925/30931/30933/30940/ 30949/30952/30954/30955/30964/30967) [B1067.15] 28 Nov 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F221 Starlink Group 6-30 v2m 1..23 (30869/30926/ 30928/30935/30942..30944/30946/30950/30951/ 30957..30963/30966/30969/30971/30975..30977) [B1062.17] 2 Dec 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F222 Korea 425 Project EO/IR (Korsat 7, SBSRS 1), Bane (CACI Demosat, York Sat), ION SCV 015 Daring Diego/Beyond (Alba Cluster 9 (MDQubeSat 2 (Unicorn 2P?), Unicorn 2L/2M/2N), ALISIO 1, Lilium 1, LOGSATS, NanoFF A/B, [MI:1, Pono 1, RECS, Z01 SuperTorquer]), GNOMES 4, ISL48 (EIRSAT 1, ENSO (ROBUSTA 1E), Hayasat 1, Koyoh, SpIRIT), µHETsat [B1061.17] 3 Dec 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F223 Starlink Group 6-31 v2m (30941/30947/ 30953/30956/30965/30974/30978..30981/30984.. 30987/30990/30991/30993..30995/30997/31000/ 31002/31005) 1..23 [B1078.6] 7 Dec 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F224 Starlink Group 6-33 v2m 1..23 (30932/30948/ 30968/30982/30983/30988/30989/30992/30998/31001 /31003/31004/31009..31011/31013/31015/31017/ 31020/31021/31023/31026/31028) [B1077.9] 8 Dec 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F225 Starlink Group 7-8 v2m 1..22 (30936/30999/31012 /31014/31016/31019/31030/31032/31035..31037/ 31041/31045/31046/31048..31050/31053/31055.. 31057/31063) [B1071.13] 19 Dec 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F226 Starlink Group 6-34 v2m 1..23 (30857/31038/ 31043/31044/31052/31059/31061/31062/31067/31069 /31071/31072/31074/31075/31079/31080/31082/ 31085/31087..31089/31094/31096) [B1081.3] +22 Dec 23 Alpha FLTA004 Fly The Lightning (Tantrum (ESATD, Tyvak 1015)) 23 Dec 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F227 Starlink Group 6-32 v2m 1..23 (30774/31008/ 31018/31022/31025/31054/31064/31065/31068/31070 /31077/31078/31081/31084/31086/31090..31092/ 31118/31119/31129/31133/31134) [B1058.19*] 24 Dec 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F228 SARah 2/3 [B1075.8] 29 Dec 23 Falcon 9 v1.2B5 F229 Starlink Group 6-36 v2m 1..23 (30828/31026/ 31058/31083/31095/31104/31106/31107/31109/31110 /31112/31113/31121/31124..31126/31128/31130/ 31131/31137/31139/31144/31147) [B1069.12] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Launch failure/Booster recovery failure + Partial failure - Booster expended ADEO-N Deployable Drag Sail Deorbit Subsystem ADLER Austrian Debris Detection Low Earth Orbit Reconnoiter AF AstroForge AFR Azista BST Aerospace First Runner AII Aurora Insight Incorporated ALISIO Advanced Land Imaging Satellite for Infrared Observations ARKSat Arkansas Satellite AWE Atmospheric Waves Experiment Ax Axiom BEAK Breakthrough by EGG (Re-entry Satellite with Gossamar Aeroshell and GPS (Global Positioning System)/Iridium) Derived Aerocapture Kilt Vehicle BRO Breizh Reconnaissance Orbiter CACI Consolidated Analysis Centers, Inc. CIRBE Colorado Inner Radiation Belt Experiment CRS Commercial Resupply Services DEWASat Dubai Electricity and Water Authority Satellite DISCO Danish Student Cubesat Program DRAGO Demonstrator for Remote Analysis of Ground Observations EBAD Ensign-Bickford Aerospace & Defense EIRSAT Educational Irish Research Satellite EIVE Exploratory In Orbit Verification of an E/W-Band Satellite Communication Link ELaNa Educational Launch of Nanosatellite ELO Eutelsat Low Earth Orbit for Objects ENSO Expleo Nanosat for Solar-irradiance Observations EO/IR Electro Optical Infrared ESATD Electronically Steerable Antenna Technology Demonstrator ESSENCE Educational Space Science and Engineering Cubesat Experiment Mission EVI Earth Venture Instrument EWS-RROCI Electro Optical/Infrared Weather System Rapid Revisit Optical Cloud Imager FACSAT Fuerza Aérea Colombian Satellite FARGO Ferrofluid Application Research Goes Orbital FASat Fuerza Aéra de Chile Satellite FOREST Forrest Observation and Recognition Experimental Smallsat Thermal Detector FOSSASat Free Open Source and Aerospace Satellite GENMAT Generative Materials GHGSat Greenhouse Gas Satellite GHOSt Global Hyperspectral Observation Satellite GNOMES GNSS Navigation and Occultation Measurement Satellites GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System GX Galaxy ILLUMA-T Integrated LCRD Low Earth Orbit User Modem and Amplifier Terminal ION SCV In Orbit Now Satellite Carrier Vehicle IRIS Intelligent Remote Sensing and Internet Satellite iROSA ISS Roll Out Solar Array ISS International Space Station KAFASAT Korea Air Force Academy Satellite KAUST King Abdullah University of Science and Technology KSF Kleos Space Flight LEO Low Earth Orbit LCRD Laser Communications Relay Demonstratio LLITED Low Latitude Ionosphere Thermosphere Enhancements in Density LOGSATS Lora Gateway Service and Aircraft Tracking Satellite LS Lacuna Space M Cosmic Vision Medium Class Mission MANTIS Mission and Agile Nanosatellite for Terrestrial Imagery Services MISR Modular Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance NanoFF Nanosatellites in Formation Flight NEUDOSE Neutron Dosimetry and Exploration NG Nightingale NG Northrop Grumman NorSat-TD Norwegian Satellite Technology Demonstrator NSLSat NearSpace Launch Satellite O3b Other Three Billion OFT Orbital Test Flight OSCAR Orbiting Satellite Carrying Amateur Radio OSW Odyssey SpaceWorks PACE Payload Accelerator for CubeSat Endeavors PRR Payload Release Ring PROVES Pleiades Rapid Orbital Verification Experimental System PSN Pasifik Satelit Nusantara QPS-SAR Q-shu Pioneers of Space Synthetic Aperture Radar RADSAT-SK Radiation Satellite Saketchewan RECS Robotic Experimental Construction Satellite ROBUSTA Radiation on Bipolar Test for University Satellite Application ROM Romanian Orbital Mission SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar SARah Synthetic Aperture Radar SBSRS Space Based Surveillance and Reconnaissance System SC-ODIN Space Concordia Orbital Dust Imagaing Nanosat SD StardustMe SES Société Européenne des Satellites SM SpaceMind SN Serial Number SpaceANT Space Advance Network Technology SPIP Multispectral Imagery Prototype SpIRIT Space Industry Responsive Intelligent Thermal SpX Space Exploration Technologies SSPD Space Solar Power Demonstration STP-H Space Technology Program Houston SWIMMR Space Weather Innovation, Measurement, Modelling and Risk TASSA Tape Spring Solar Array TAUSat Tel Aviv University Satellite TEMPO Tropospheric Emissions Monitoring of Pollution TRL Technology Readiness Level µHETSat Micro Hall Effect Thruster Satellite UKRI United Kingdom Research and Innovation USCV United States Crew Vehicle v2m Version 2 Mini VIREO Virtual Intelligence Realisation for Earth Observatory VR VigoRide YAM Yet Another Mission