NEW ZEALAND LAUNCH RECORD (2009 to present) Date Launch Vehicle Payload -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^30 Nov 09 Atea-1 Manu Karere (120 km alt.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^13 Nov 12 VLM F1 Test Flight 1 (9.1 km alt.) ^28 Nov 12 VLM F2 Test Flight 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *25 May 17 Electron F1 It's A Test (Test Mass Model) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 Jan 18 Electron/KS F1 Still Testing (Dove Pioneer (Dove 0F1C), Lemur-2 72/73 (Tallhamn-ATC/Marshall), Humanity Star) ^ 7 Oct 18 Into The Blue Test Flight 1 (5524 m) 11 Nov 18 Electron/KS F2 It’s Business Time (CICERO 10 (Tyvak 0086), IRVINE 01, Lemur-2 82/83 (Zupanski/Chanusiak), NABEO (Pride of Bavaria, ADEO-N), Proxima I/II) ^10 Dec 18 Into The Blue Test Flight 2 (4716 m) 16 Dec 18 Electron/KS F3 This One’s For Pickering (VCLS 1/ELaNa XIX (ALBus, CeREs, CHOMPTT, CubeSail 1/2, DaVinci, ISX (CP11), NMTSat, RSat-P, Shields 1, STF 1), SHFT 1 (Goergen), TOMSat Eagle Scout (AeroCube 11A), TOMSat R3 (AeroCube 11B))) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 3 Feb 19 Into The Blue Test Flight 3 (9.5 km, airbrakes failed to deploy) - 2 Mar 19 Into The Black Test Flight 1 (~9 km, 2nd stage electronics failure) 28 Mar 19 Electron/KS F4 Two Thumbs Up (R3D2) 5 May 19 Electron/KS F5 That's A Funny Looking Cactus (STP-27RD (SPARC 1, Falcon ODE, Harbinger (ICEYE X3))) 29 Jun 19 Electron/KS F6 Make It Rain (Spaceflight 1 (ACRUX 1, BlackSky 3 (BlackSky Global 3), Painani 1, Prometheus B2 (2.7/2.9), SpaceBEE 8/9)) 19 Aug 19 Electron/KS F7 Look Ma, No Hands (Spaceflight 2 (BlackSky 4 (BlackSky Global 4), Pearl White 1/2), BRO-ONE) 17 Oct 19 Electron/KS F8 As The Crow Flies (Palisade) 6 Dec 19 Electron/KS F9 Running Out Of Fingers (Alba Cluster 2 (ATL 1 (Magyar OSCAR 106, MO 106), Fossasat 1, NOOR 1A/1B (Unicorn 2B/2C), SMOG-P (TRSI Sat, Magyar OSCAR 105, MO 105)), ALE-2) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 Jan 20 Electron/KS F10 Birds Of A Feather (RASR 1 (NROL 151, USA 294)) 13 Jun 20 Electron/KS F11 Don’t Stop Me Now (ELaNa 32 (ANDESITE Mule, ANDESITE Node 1..8), RAAF M2 Pathfnder, RASR 2 (USA 301..303)) * 4 Jul 20 Electron/KS F12 Pics Or It Didn’t Happen (CE-SAT IB, Faraday 1, Flock 4e 1..5 (Dove 240E/240B/2411/2410/2418))) 31 Aug 20 Electron/PL F1 I Can’t Believe It’s Not Optical (Capella 2 (Sequoia), First Light (Photon F1)) 28 Oct 20 Electron/KS F13 In Focus (CE-SAT IIB, Flock 4e' (Dove 225A/2279/2251 /227E/2276/2280/2262/2264/2441)) 20 Nov 20 Electron/KS F14 Return To Sender (APSS 1 (Te Waka Amiorangi o Aotearoa, QuakeTEC), BRO 2, BRO 3, Mandrake 1, (CORVUS BC-5, Landmapper BC-5), DRAGRACER A/B (Alchemy/Augury), Gnome Chompski, SpaceBEE 22..39, SpaceBEENZ 1..6) 15 Dec 20 Electron/KS F15 The Owl’s Night Begins (StriX-alpha) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 Jan 21 Electron/KS F16 Another One Leaves The Crust (GMS-T) 22 Mar 21 Electron/PL F2 They Go Up So Fast (BlackSky 7 (BlackSky Global 9, RL-6), Centauri 3 (Tyvak 0210), Myriota 7 (Tyvak 0152), Pathstone (Photon F2), RAAF M2A/M2B, Gunsmoke-J 3 (Jacob's Ladder 3), Veery RL-1 (Veery Hatchling v0.2 Clay) *15 May 21 Electron/KS F17 Running Out of Toes (BlackSky 8/9 (BlackSky Global 10/11), RL-7) 29 Jul 21 Electron/KS F18 It's A Little Chile Up Here (STP-27RM (Monolith)) 18 Nov 21 Electron/KS F19 Love At First Insight (BlackSky 10/11 (BlackSky Global 14/15), RL-8) 9 Dec 21 Electron/KS F20 A Data With Destiny (BlackSky 14/15 (BlackSky Global 16/17, RL-9?) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 Feb 22 Electron/KS F21 The Owl's Night Continues (StriX-beta) 2 Apr 22 Electron/KS F22 Without Mission A Beat (BlackSky 16/17 (BlackSky Global 18/20, RL-10?) 2 May 22 Electron/KS F23 There and Back Again* (Alba Cluster X (MyRadar 1, TRSI 2/3, Unicorn 2A), AuroraSat 1 (The Flying Object/PlasmaBrake), BRO 6, E-Space Demo 1..3, SpaceBEE 140..155, SpaceBEENZ 15..22, [Copia]) 28 Jun 22 Electron/LP F1 CAPSTONE 13 Jul 22 Electron/KS F24 Wise One Looks Ahead (RASR 3, NROL 162, USA 334) 4 Aug 22 Electron/KS F25 Antipodean Adventure (RASR 4, NROL 199, USA 335) 15 Sep 22 Electron/KS F26 Owl Spreads Its Wings (StriX 1) 7 Oct 22 Electron/KS F27 It Argos Up From Here (GAzelle (OTB 3 (Argos 4))) 4 Nov 22 Electron/KS F28 Catch Me If You Can* (MATS) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 Mar 23 Electron/KS F31 The Beat Goes On (BlackSky 18/19 (BlackSky Global 19/5)) ^29 Mar 23 Aurora Mk.II F1 Test flight 1 (oxidiser leak) ^30 Mar 23 Aurora Mk.II F2 Test flight 2 ^31 Mar 23 Aurora Mk.II F3 Test flight 3 8 May 23 Electron/KS F32 Rocket Like a Hurricane (TROPICS SV05/SV06) 26 May 23 Electron/KS F33 Coming to a Storm Near You (TROPICS SV03/SV04) 18 Jul 23 Electron/KS F34 Baby Coming Back (ELaNa (Starling 1..4), Lemur-2 169/170 (Deverill-M-T/Mano), Telesat LEO 3 (LEO Vantage 3)) 23 Aug 23 Electron/KS F35 We Love The Nightlife (Capella 11 (Acadia 1)) *19 Sep 23 Electron/KS F36 We Will Never Desert You (Capella 12 (Acadia 2)) 15 Dec 23 Electron/KS F37 The Moon God Awakens (QPS-SAR 5 (Tsukuyomi I)) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 Jan 24 Electron/KS F38 Four of a Kind (NorthStar 1, Skylark 1..4 (Lemur-2 182..185 (Nimbus2000/Valhalla/Oba-Ni-Jesu/Cael))) 18 Feb 24 Electron/KS F39 On Closer Inspection (ADRAS-J) 12 Mar 24 Electron/KS F40 Owl Night Long (StriX 3) 23 Apr 24 Electron/KS F42 Beginning Of The Swarm (ACS3, NeonSat 1) 25 May 24 Electron/KS F43 Ready, Aim, PREFIRE (PREFIRE 1) 5 Jun 24 Electron/KS F44 PREFIRE And Ice (PREFIRE 2) 20 Jun 24 Electron/KS F45 No time Toulouse (Kinéis 1..5) #30 Jul 24 Electron/KS Owl For One, One For Owl (StriX 2?) # Jul 24 Aurora Mk.IIA F1 20 km alt. Jul 24 Electron Kinéis (5) 30 Dec 24 Electron Venus Life Finder 1 # 24 Electron/KS A Sky Full Of SARs (Capella 13 (Acadia 3)) 24 Electron/KS StriX 4? ? Electron Hawk (3) ? Electron Hawk (3) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Feb 25 Electron/PL LOXSAT 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 Electron Venus Life Finder 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Change since beginning of month ^ Suborbital - Suborbital failure * Launch failure/Booster Recovery Failure ACS3 Advanced Composite Solar Sail System ADRAS-J Active Debris Removal by Astroscale Japan ALBus Advance Electrical Bus ANDESITE Ad-Hoc Network Demonstration for Extended Satellite Based Inquiry and Other Team Endeavors APSS Auckland Programme for Space Systems ATL Advanced Technology of Laser BEE Basic Electronic Element BRO Breizh Reconnaissance Orbiter CAPSTONE Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System Technology Operations and Navigation Experiment CeREs Compact Radiation Belt Explorer CICERO Community Initiative for Cellular Earth Remote Observation CHOMPTT CubeSat Handling Of Multisystem Precision Time Transfer ELaNa Educational Launch of Nanosatellite ELSA-d End-of-Life Services by Astroscale Demonstration ISX Ionospheric Scintillation Explorer KS Kick Stage Lemur Low Earth Multi Use Receiver LP Lunar Photon MATS Mesospheric Airglow/Aerosol Tomography and Spectroscopy MX Moon Express NABEO Nanosat Bremssegel Entfaltversuch Im Orbit NMTSat New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology Satellite NeonSat New Space Earth Observation Satellite ODE Orbital Debris Experiment OTB Orbital Test Bed PL Photon Low Earth Orbit PREFIRE Polar Radiant Energy in the Far Infrared Experiment QPS-SAR Q-shu Pioneers of Space Synthetic Aperture Radar R3D2 Radio Frequency Risk Reduction Deployment Demonstration RASR Rapid Acquisition of a Small Rocket RSat-P Repair Satellite Prototype SHFT Space Based High Frequency Testbed SPARC Space Plug and Play Architecture Research CubeSat STF Simulation To Flight STP Space Test Program TOMSat Testbed for Optical Missions Satellite TROPICS Time Resolved Observations of Precipitation Structure and Storm Intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats VCLS Venture Class Launch Services VLM Viscous Liquid Monopropellant