EDUC-8 Microcomputer Gerber Files

Here is a directory listing of Gwyllym Sutter's Gerber files for the EDUC-8 microcomputer. The Github directory is very confusing as there are old and new versions with inconsistent naming and directory structure, so use the list at your own risk! At minimum the boards you need to make are E8/F, E8/C, E8/T, E8/D, E8/M, E8/P, E8/A and E8/IOT. The E8/X board is very useful for debugging. For the power supply, the original design had the two 2N3055 power supply transistors mounted to heat sinks at the back of the case while the PCB has the transistors mounted internally, so you'll need a fan to keep the transistors cool. The Crowbar is useful in case one of the transistors shorts out and fries all the IC's in the computer! In this happens, the Crowbar will blow the fuse, preventing an overvoltage.

Steven S. Pietrobon, 19 Dec. 2024.

E8/PSU Power Supply - Electronics Australia October 1974 p.51
E8/PSU Crowbar - Gwyllym Sutter
E8/F Front Panel - Electronics Australia October 1974 p.53
E8/C Connector - Electronics Australia October 1974 p.53
E8/T Timing - Electronics Australia November 1974 p.47
E8/D Decoder - Electronics Australia November 1974 p.51
E8/A Accumulator - Electronics Australia November 1974 p.53
E8/P Program Counter and Adder (original design) - Electronics Australia December 1974 p.75
E8/P Program Counter and Adder (replaces 9001 with 7474) - Electronics Australia December 1974 p.75
E8/M Memory - Electronics Australia December 1974 p.77
E8/IOT Input Output Interface - Electronics Australia January 1975 p.66
E8/X Extender - Electronics Australia January 1975 p.68
E8/KI Keypad Interface - Electronics Australia January 1975 p.68
E8/KB Keypad Board - Electronics Australia January 1975 p.68
E8/S Octal Display - Electronics Australia January 1975 p.69
E8/ASCII ASCII Keyboard - Electronics Australia May 1975 p.75
E8/SR-T Serial Interface - Electronics Australia July 1975 p.71
E8/RS232 Interface - Gwyllym Sutter
E8/TERM VT52/VT100 Terminal Interface - Geoff Graham Silicon Chip 2014